I doubt anyone from the MWBG would remember me--as a gangly 15 year old I showed at a couple of battles a few years ago. Wanted to drop you guys a line...wondering if there's still new members coming in? Also, any current members in Wisconsin? Right now I'm a sophomore at UW and looking to maybe start a boat in the near future. Glad to see the game still goes! Austin Hetrick
I'm somewhat new, so I wouldn't remember you, but welcome back! There are a couple fellows getting started, some near Chicago. Check out the Emile Bertin thread! Mike Horne
Welcome Austin!! Myself and a friend of mine at work are currently beginning construction on our ships. We are located roughly an hour south of Chicago. We are are planning an Iowa class battleship and an Emile Bertin for each of us. Construction is just getting underway. Here is a link to the thread Mike mentioned: http://www.rcnavalcombat.com/rcnavalcombat/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1289 The first few pages are the guys deciding which ship to do, and then some design stuff. Check it out!![]