if you look on your website you showed me with just the Bismarck it will tell you that the starboard side prop is the only prop to rotate counter clock wise or clock wise....(its the only prob that spins the different way haha) if im not mistaken.
Nikki, counter-rotating is a concept that applies to pairs of props. So for a ship with 3 props, the outboard pair will rotate in opposite directions, and the center prop will spin in whichever direction the builder installs the prop for. You can't 'counterrotate' a single prop because there is nothing for it to be in opposition to. If the ship had 4 props both pairs would be set up with each rotating counter to its mate. And for your LST, you shouldnt be 'thing about it' - it should already be set up that way and unless you want your ship to constantly pull to one side, you don't set a dual prop ship up any other way.
Nikki don't take offense but earlier on this thread u said u were always on the Bismarck website that you showed me, i thought u would have taken notice on the prop designs and what one was the odd one out it even tells you degrees and such.
David, Ya, i know! But with three working props, its hard to do!! and this is sliding off topic for a minutes, but when he got hit with the torpedo, the One Rudder got stuck in the center prop, and that what had me worried, having all three working, you know!! Nikki
have you ever thought that maybe one of the rudders was turned when the 2nd rudder was stuck? and even if the middle engine blew the 2 would make up for it because the starboard is the only rudder on the Bismarck that turned the opposite way. and its also what Nick said earlier about having 2 props having 1 turn the opposite way to keep a straight line so what i think hes saying is that you should of already known and done that. Either way saying for me every time i make a mistake.... Live and Learn and to the history with the rudder being stuck, that definatly sounds like a rudder problem not props
Yes its possible, But If you look at the photos from the Site, that i gave you!!! But what they should have done was locked the rudders and try and turn with just the props! ya, the guy that i got my LST from, he had them going the same way, and my mom and I get going to Counter rotate them! Nikki
Nikki, they did try to use the props to turn the ship after its rudder was jammed. Unfortunately, the props and/or engine power was not enough to steer the Bismark on a heading towards the coast where the ship would have been protected by aircraft. It was not a design flaw ... the Germans just never imagined that a rudder would jam in the first place.
Mikey, And she paid that failure!!! That's all i was saying!!! David, How is she doing, and were you able to test the motors yet?? Nikki
Nikki; You can not just rewire the motors, the prop for the one you are reversing must be reversed pitched also. So.... you need to buy a new prop for that engine.
Nikki they work amazing now i just need to set my esc so that only 7.5 volts goes to each motor so they don't burn up again.
haha yea i cant wait till ice thaws, last time i took her out the motors were glowing red an i saw smoke so i ran out to the middle of the pond, imagine how cold that was haha
Do your prop shafts spin freely? If they're binding at all on the bearing surfaces you will work the motors a lot harder. If you're using the oilite bushings I've found that you'll often need to open them up a little bit with a needle file.
ok guys i am now looking into cannons. i want 4 working cannons with a high fps and so i can rotate them as well. idc if its big gun or fast gun preferably cheaper route haha