I found the pics from Can-Nats 10 . In 2 nights I along with Craig and Chris had to get Tirpitz and Bismarck fully outfitted for the event which was only a day or 2 away. Very little sleep was had by all. No radio box but a servo tray in place here. I think were looking inside Bismarck here. You can see the pump here on the centerline of the keel. This is Bismarck's aft turrets with dual cannons in C and D in a Death Y. The cannons are straight mags. This is a 20 oz in the bow. I think no cannons were in place in A and B Turret. Here's a shot of a smaller bottle , not sure what size but it looks smaller . Servo Tray in Bismarck - The aft compartment with the smaller motor shorter drive shaft. This motor was not powerful enough to push the model at 24 sec speed. THe death Y underneath. the aft hatch. Bismarck. You can see Tirpitz stern cannons(duals) . This is Tirpitz aft set up for cannons. Dual sterns and a stern sidemount. Anothr view of Tirptiz's C turrent (Single) down angle. Tirpitz forward armament - excuse the mess . It was a long night. Another shot of Tirptiz's forward arrangment. Reas view overhead of C and D turret cannon arrangment. Singel stern sidemount and dual sterns. Bismarck pumping out Hope this helps give you an idea of different interiors. You already have interior shots from myself and Iceman on this thread.
yes and i made some minor adjustments to mine, like everyone has told me to get my ESC out of that box i was stubborn and left it in hahah well i freaked out after watching it stop in the middle of the pond having flashbacks from when it caught on fire haha. well it sat for about 2 min and fired back up again (thank you fail-safe technology) and i brought it to shore, i knew exactly what happened after remembering the threads about it, so i took it out and haven't had problems since. the only 2 things left for me to do is get the right weight distribution down and figure out the best way to place my guns so that i can move them so the ship looks nice on the shelf haha. Again this is a show boat haha my real battler is coming this summer i hope the Lutzow that will probably have fixed guns. By the way i love that camo job on the Turpitz looks amazing i was thinking about doing it the same way on my next ship but in different directions.
The superstructure on the Tirpitz is the Mcfadden Superstructure . Bismarck also has this and it's the same material I am working on right now for the old Bismarck. I am awaiting my new superstructure from Strike for my Tirpitz which btw is the same hull that the Tirpitz and Bismarck are in the photos I just posted here. Both ships were sunk at Can-Nats 10. There's a video on youtube showing Bismarck under attack and going down bow first. It was a free for all basically and it got hammered.
Not sure what your referring to Nikki. The pump outlet is showing a solid stream. The water spraying around inside is from the Pump's vent opening. If you seal it you get vapor lock and the pump won't prime.
CANNATS 10 - The Battle of the Fred!!! Part 1 of that video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbzdjlzDIl8&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MexTQKVoUJk&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDeE6qA0Mck&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDeE6qA0Mck&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BabxsfsQGYQ&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUIUy1Ht3pg&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gsWb8reoms&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHgD-Ps03Wk&feature=relmfu Enjoy.
If you have a Youtube acct you can Nikki. Just add them to your favorites or subscribe to the user's videos. Bismarck is still building.
No that's not my Bismarck . I attended that event using HMS Warspite. Bismarck belonged to Captnsolo and Tirpitz belonged to Chris. I helped work on both just days before the event to get them ready as best we could with the resources at hand. If you watched the other videos you may have seen a Yamato , a detailed one sinking or shooting. That's mine. BB26 in a couple of those vids is operating his South Carolina and his PE. The colorful NC was a former model that was bought used, then stripped out and skinned, then reskinned and gear installed in about 36 hours straight no sleep there. Another vid shows Yamato and Musashi duking it out, which Yamato sunk. Another vid the Nabs recruitment there's a slow motion still. In that frame you see a ship sink then if you look carefully you can see a second one (Nelson) sink right on top of it. What happened there was Sharhorst was rolling over to sink and when it did, Nelson pulled up to shoot survivors but Sharnhorst's rigging snagged Nelson's mast and it pulled Nelson down with it.