JEEEEZ.... I figured that obscure of a ship would at least take some time to figure out. AMAZING @Beaver!!!
Backstory: WHY am I building a MONITOR? I'm building it for a scenario & for NTXBG loaner ships. The scenario idea is like capture the flag, but with two equivalent warships on either side of the pond. The objective is to sink the opponent's Monitor and nothing else counts. We are not counting holes, sinks, anything. The only thing that matters is to sink a monitor. The other idea is to simply get new captains on the water. These ships should be small & cheap and will be available at the pond site to get people on the water. Historically, NTXBG loaned out Liberty ships for people to tool around the pond; but I think something with guns is a bit more engaging. Now, the question is CAN I build this thing? It has two 1/4" cannons on board. Compared to Deutschland; it's much shorter and not as long, however it has some extra width to work with. The biggest concern is the turret, fortunately, the Abercrombie's turret just sticks out of the ship like a sore thumb. It's basically the same height of Deutschland's cannons, so my rotate system should still workout here too. We'll see if I finish it. For now, it's just a distraction while I wait for Deutschland to print.
Roberts has been a long time interest of mine so don't feel bad. I like obscure ships. Model looks great.
Last update for the day; I need to get my 'real' day started. Added props, however, even with Big Gun Rules I can tell I need to extract some of that hull to make room for the props. The props have a bit of an angry face to them.
I think monitors would be interesting for use as floating "shore" batteries. But for fast gun I'd want to be able to fully rotate on x and y axis. Which is an issue for our rules.
Because of this... View: The roll is just too great and causes the potential for guns to come above horizon.
looks great, i refit Marty’s old one. Despite being wide rolling is an issue, so I would recommend some waterchannel and ballast on the outboard bottoms I’d like to model the Marshal Ney since it is 1.5 units so it can call two instead of 5 here are some videos of mine in action View:
Let me know if you want any other views
This is is great! I was today years old when I learned she has TWO rudders! I had believed she had just one from the plans. Amazing find!! No wonder she turns on a dime. Looks like 9 or 10 ribs? How thick? Any logic behind that count? I think I’m inspired to give mine a permanent down angle on the rotating cannons, like yours. I’ll just program a “don’t fire here” zone so I don’t shoot my deck off. Did you ultimately add weight to her sides? Did it fix the stability issues?
the ribs at 1/4” thick, I probably looked at spacing to decide number but it was a few years ago so I forget exactly. Sheeting her is a PITA, I think I used like 16 pieces of balsa per side. I added some flat metal strips to underside of the buldges, it helped a bit, but she will still roll with water, just have to limit turning rate when significantly damaged, water channeling could be improved to fill the outboards more with slits for water to flow past
Progress! - Cleaned up the entire Hull - Created the deck & added the 'rails' to the deck - Thickened the hull to accommodate the props. Starting to look like a Battlestar?
Once again waiting for more cannons to pop out of the printer! So more progress has been made on Abercrombie! Rudder system is the same style that's been working perfectly on Deutschland. I find getting tools into Deutschland very frustrating, and I can't imagine trying on an even smaller ship. I've given her a tool-less motor mount; the test print seems to be very promising. We'll see if it holds up to a battle!! Since I hate working on superstructures, I figured I would get that out of the way. I also needed to know how much bonus space I had to work with... this thing's small!