It's cool, man. Nice find, I didn't know about the site, and found some books I'll probably want in the future Thank YOU for finding it for us
On that Scale Specialty find> Norm Harms and I go back to the 70s. Use to do a lot of wargaming with him. I was a play tester for a set of Naval rules back then General Quarters. These rules were designed by Lonnie Gill. Any way I noticed in the books the Monitor Roberts book seems no longer avalable. Abercrombie still is. I have the Roberts book. if any would like to get a copy of the plans in this book. I have never enlarged them. So enlarging has to be taken into consideration. If interested in the book email the Company and Norm to see if he can still get it.
In the original book it had the Marshal Soult Monitor frames. I am also going to order it. It has been updated. To what extent I do not know.
Would anybody mind if we get this thread moved to "Ship Plans"? There's nothing R&D-related, & somebody who is looking for it probably wouldn't think to look here. JM
Go ahead lead the way. We are talking about British Monitors here. I do believe it is part of the subject matter in this thread. Monitors are for limited people. I would not want to waste time on another thread. If you are interested in this subject you would take a glance at this thread dealing with these unique vessels. Only an opinion and not the gospel.
He didn't mean it as criticism, Dan Nor do I by moving it to Plans I look forward to hearing about your books! I have the molds for Gorgon and Roberts in 1/144, but I'm tempted to do one in 1/96
FPD, I think what he meant is that it was previously listed in the research and development section, and people interested in monitors wouldnt think to look in the research and development section. Honestly, R&D doesnt interest me much, so I'd not have seen the thread in there. I personally don't read everything posted, I only look at what I think will interest me. Various types of ships and plans DO interest me though, so when I see new posts in the ship plans section, I check it out.
No I understand. By all means move it and I will try to follow the thread. I do have that Polish book(s) on Abecrombie & Roberts. They are well worth the price to get as all the books are.
Yeah, I think at the time I created it there was no Ship Plans section... otherwise I would have put it there.
That's OK. I think we got across things that were needed. Again it was there in plain English. HMS Roberts. Anyone seeing this would be inclined to respond if they were interested. However plans was the key word on where it should have been.