Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with the HK TR6 transmitter and TR6A receiver? $40 on Amazon and it appears to have all the features I need. The manual seems to assume I know what I'm doing for programming, which I don' programming a transmitter easy?
Thats the orange and black one? It has to be programmed with a computer and special cable. Theyre decent radios, but cheaper direct from hobbyking. Id spend a little more and go with one of the turnigys that can do multimodel (9x?) or at minimum adjust the programming on the radio (i6 i think?)
Very good advice here. For boats, the ability to change endpoint adjustment without having to drag a laptop around is a must. I own both the Turnigy 9X and the i6. They're both very good radios and there are lots of tutorials on the web and YouTube that show you anything you don't understand.
I have the Hk and the turnigy I6 and the I6 beats it hands down, if you still want the Hk, ill sell you mine with 2 extra recievers(3 total) for that price.
Thank you all. It feels like the i6 may be a better bet for me. It also looks like only a $10 difference, too.
Need a 2.4 for 3 convoy ships, the turnigy I6 still the best deal (as you con swap it out for a cruiser or destroyer)? Also, decent/reliable ESC recommendation?
I like my I6. Had it for a little over a year now and I don't have any complaints. It's been a nice solid radio with nice functions. I would recommend it. Brushed or brushless? for Esc?
I've heard good things about the hobbywings. I've never used them myself, though. I think @Kevin P. has used them; he might be able to offer more insight. Dependent on how many amps you're pulling, these could be an option too. They do need water proofed and are limited to 7.4v. The 9x is a solid radio. I've been using mine for something like 3yrs with no major hickups. If you're looking to use this for cruisers, destroyers, and convoys, the I6 would be a cheaper , and IMO a better, option. Just for its smaller size, battery usage (4AA's versus 8 on the 9X), and lighter body.
Nice! Just bought 2 convoy ships and the us warehouse does not have the mode2 in stock. Don't want to chance the global(unless I am missing the v2)
If i recall correctly you can pop them open and swap the gimbals then change the mode setting in software