How's the Fuso in combat?

Discussion in 'Ship Comparison' started by Boatmeister, Nov 4, 2020.

  1. Boatmeister

    Boatmeister Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
    Chesterton, Indiana
    I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with a Fuso class battleship. There quite a few a number of years ago, but have mostly disappeared.
  2. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    Yes. I've built 3. I really enjoyed it, still do. They are not for a beginner though. It is a little harder to get them trimmed and balanced compared to say a QE or one of the German ships for ultimate turning. That said, the turrets make for lots of options. I ran with dual sterns and a haymaker on each side. You have to expose a bit of hull for the second haymaker but it has good down angle, kind of like the Kongo. The 3rd one, most recent, enjoys a lot more experience gained in building ships and guns. It is set up with 2 pumps, 2 stern sidemounts in the rearmost turrets, a funny gun, and a funny style gun in the bow turrets.

    Why you don't see many:
    They aren't as good as Nagato or Kongo. 26secs vs 24, long/narrow with funky hard to sheet hulls (not really, but harder than say a Seydlitz).

    I would not build one except if you REALLY like it, or as a second sidemount ship. You can do well in it, but, anything Fuso can do Nagato does better.
    Boatmeister likes this.
  3. Boatmeister

    Boatmeister Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
    Chesterton, Indiana
    Thanks, I am looking for an honest assessment of the ship. Great to hear from someone who has experienced with the ship. I'm looking to do something a little different after I finish my current projects. Looking at a Yamashiro (got the plans years ago. Always loved the look of the ship) or a Hyuga in it's battleship guise. No one has ever built that one and that's the attraction to that ship.

    Did you build the ship from scratch or did you get the hull from BC? Just wondering.
  4. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    I loved battling mine, easily some of my favorite battles in them. All were build from BC hulls. I tried different variations on making the casemates as they are not molded into the hull. The 3rd one fortunately Tim K had already build them out of Wood to save me time.

    It's a fun ship, don't let me discourage you, but it will be along learning curve to get the best out of her. Even at her best, QE will outturn you, and you are still 26 seconds. That said, with good guns, and paying attention, you can bully smaller ships playing bumper boats because you are a thiccccc battleship. :)

    Bring lots of patch material. The casemates help, but, not much.
    Boatmeister likes this.
  5. Bob

    Bob Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    I’ve loved shooting Brandon’s Fuso several times. I agree with all of his comments.
    Boatmeister likes this.
  6. Boatmeister

    Boatmeister Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
    Chesterton, Indiana

    I know what you mean with learning about/how to battle your ship. Been doing this for about 38 years. Battling Treaty right now and just looking for something different. Very, very different