I've been following this since I was a kid and now that I finally have a job and enough money to spend something real then Warthunder. I'm interested In a Russian type origin ship, or honestly just one that can shoot, and have turrets that have horizontal and vertical control, I'm super excited to learn so criticism is welcome.
Thank you! Super ready and excited to learn, the most interesting thing so far is how guns work, for some odd reason I thought it would be like a airsoft type system or something with a bolt but seeing that there C02 powered really gets me excited
With the interest in elevating/movable turrets would put you more toward "Big Gun" than "Fast Gun" or "Treaty" style of play. I am unaware of any Big Gun combat going on outside of SoCal, Someone jump in here if im incorrect with that. You have FastGun Factions on both sides of you in Minnasota(Port Polar Bear) and Michigan(Great Lakes Attack Squadron). I am in Michigan and we have loaners available if you can make it to one of our battles this year we could have one of them available for your use. Again, Welcome to the hobby and hope to see you on the water. Craig
Don’t forget about NTXBG Big Gun! … although it doesn’t help that we are in Texas. As far as cannons with depression; you can follow along with my Deutschland build. Once complete, we can discuss printing a second copy? The thread is in my signature.
I think it's far better advice for a new person to find a more local club that may not be your initially intended or interested format. Green Bay to Dallas is 17~ hours?
Hey Craig, good to know the type of style I'd lean towards, could you possibly go into detail about "fast" or "treaty" style as it may also fit some interests, a battle sounds amazing and I would definitely have to plan for it, but would also be interested in owning one as I could tinker around and really get into the dynamics, thank you for the explanation. Ethan.
That also is my feeling, I wouldn't mind a 4 or 5 hour road trip for one of these as it seems so interesting, I have talked with other members about it and they've said the same. Me and my friend are interested in possibly just starting a small one between our group of friends with buying some cheap rc ones from a store and having a field day hunting and the battle each other. But going to battle somewhere with people that have been in the hobby excites me
Just want to say welcome. I'm here in Milwaukee area. I have two boats that I am working on. One is the Deutschland ,3d printed.
Now when you say 3d printed that's with like a plastic filament right? And that would be the hull or do you 3d print the internals and then build around. Thank you for the feed back. Ethan
Best bet would be show up at the pond on a battle day and we will let you have all the info you can want. We will also let you use a loaner and play toy boats with us