I would weight the stern slightly, what are you running at total weight wise? Generally cavitation on a large ship is because it's too light, but I also have no idea what weight youre at.
yeah that's a good point @bsgkid117 . I didn't notice any cavitation with my boat during the blade count testing and it was likely due a lot to proper ballasting, especially considering how Nate G. had so much trouble with his WeeVee and cavitation at scale waterline
im running at 40lbs. When I say cavitation i meant the 2.25” drag props were causing just enough wake to not allow enough water to reach the prop. I was also a bit bow heavy today because the change in drive motor size threw off my trim.
There's A lot of fine-tuning that can be done here. It's up to you to figure out how far down this rabbit hole you want to go. You definitely don't want to be nose heavy that will make any cavitation a lot worse. 40 lb is definitely not bad for a Bismarck. You can cut the discs to create a D shape if that would aid in flow to the main prop. Or cut them so that way you can move them farther forward away from the drive prop.