It seems there's a bunch of us that can't be doing that kind of lifting/bending. I'm thinking about making me one, though shed only be 15lbs, I just can't kneel anymore.
Test fire number 2 Here is why you never use old balsa on your ship... I still need to tighten up the shot groups a little, I am getting some stray shots...
Not sure whats causing it either. The guns are mounted very solid, and the bb's are not hitting the deck. She has stainless barrels so they are fairly tight tolerance. There might be a bur inside where the holes are drilled for the safety pins. Next step will be to debur any of them then try again.
If your barrels are clean there may be some double firing going on. You need to test the cannons individually to confirm they are firing singles. Double shots almost always spread out like that and miss your target. There are a lot of causes, often with multiple guns setups overtweaking one can cause it or the one next to it to fire doubles for part of the magazine. If you have a lot of trouble isolating the problem let Ming the Merciless or me know, we can help. Ron Hunt
I didn't think of double fires.. I bet that is it. I have the kips set to toggle off all the guns so I can individualy test/tweak them. I will have to see if they are firing double.. easy to check and fix, just a turn on the piston... I think I will pull each gun out of the boat and redo the pistons in a gun mount on my test fire box.. more room to navigate.. Thanks Ron
great ship! I want to have turrets that turn just like this! 2 questions: What's a haymaker? And how do you figure out how many guns you have? Not sure... Read the rules but don't know enough about the Suffren to make sure I follow the rules. Same for the Baltimore.
A "haymaker" is a stern turret gun pointed to the side at a significant down-angle so that it hits the water only a few inches from the ship. It is used when close alongside an enemy to get "belows" (Below-waterline hits), thus "making hay". PS to mods: Maybe we should have a dictionary of battling terms? All ships are classified as how many "units" they are allowed. Heavy cruisers are usually either 3 or 3.5 units (Suffren is 3, Balt is 3.5). Units are defined as either a pump or a gun. Read over the build rules here: or here: for clarification.
I like this idea. Will have to look into some sort of page for it. In the meantime perhaps a sticky thread for people to suggest entries will be in order.
What a great idea! I was going to ask about launching/transport, and this looks fantastic! I'm just a newbie, but great work! And of course your ship is beautiful too! Beautiful SS work!
What a great build and Hats off to you. I will be using this as reference for my own ship. Love the detail beneath the deck platforms and everything else. Hope to hear the battle reports of your ship.
If I remember right, he sold after going to one Nat's with it. Sold! - SOLD - IJN NAGATO - Fastgun | R/C Warship Combat