Info and plans for Roma/Littorio/VittorioVeneto

Discussion in 'Construction' started by Kotori87, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Good, good. Clarification my good a**. I need to be sure of these things... for you are the ar** making this deal! LOL
  2. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I'll let you see a pic when I get some work done on the plug for the mold. What's the preference in this representative sample of battlers: Comes fully assembled, costs way more for shipping, or a kit consisting of: Fuselage+float, 2 wings, 2 horizontal stabilizers, and a prop? I could assemble the float to the fuselage, possibly molding them as a unit with metal rods in the three pylons that hold them together. We'll see as we get closer to production. Cheapest solution is Fuselage and float molded separately, with holes for wood dowel or metal rod where those three pylons are.

    My only major concern is the lil wingtip floats, they're begging to be shot off, and they're held on by 4 thin struts. I'll figure something out. Advanced warning is that this is not going to be a high detail model for rivet counters to marvel at :) Then again, I'm posting pics before anyone gets money in hand, so I don't feel that I'm leading anyone down the garden path.

    So, feedback please? What do YOU guys like/want for this plane?
  3. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Detail is phenom. I love detail. We use Insta-cure glue will that hold the plane together? I would as Curt does, use the planes for shows and cruising, not battles. So yes. High marks to detail!
  4. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Agreed a little detail on the planes go a long way. The only planes I kept in battle were on my old Bismarck. The float plane on the port side was shot off 6 times but I was always able to collect the shot off sections on the catupult. The planes are still there after 15 years. My Yamato different story. They don't stay on for battle. They are too close to the line of fire from my Tripples.
  5. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Clark, do you by chance have pictures of the molds?
  6. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    I take it there is nothing new on this in the last little bit. I would like to get two kingfishers for North Carolina. Curt is overseeing my orders at this time as I will be away for a year and move four times in that span. Just curious if this was something that would be ready this summer or wait for a while....
  7. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I have no pics of aircraft molds right now, sorry... during the schoolyear I work much slower than in the summer (when I can camp out by the beltsander). If I had my druthers, I'd rather do this stuff full time, but that annoying med school gets in the way. As soon as I have an OS2, you guys will be the first to know and have dibs on it. It WILL be done before the summer, though. It's high on the list. I have in front of it: Jap DN main turret & Komet hull (it's a one-off, 2/3 done for a nice fellow who can't build them due to health). So, spring break will probably be the OS2 finishing party. In token of Curt's service, he will get a couple of planes for free :) No guarantees on whether they'll fly, tho.

    Before I get too into the project, I need some feedback on one thing: If it comes down to "more detail & more fragile", or "some basic detail & takes hits well", which would you guys like? Some people like to go into battle with planes on, some don't. For NCs, I think that the catapults are more or less in the way of the triple sterns, which would imply taking them off, but I want opinions from end users before I spend time carving.
  8. Mark

    Mark Active Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Swansea, MA
    Hey Tug, what do you make the turrets out of? And how accurate are they? You think you would be willing to make the main, secondary and 3rd gun turrets for the Yamato in 1/96 scale?
  9. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Wow, that'd be HUGE! I'd be willing to, but I'd have to get plans for them, and it'd be summertime by the time I got them done.

    Accuracywise, The molding process preserves tiny details. If you could see the dual 5" turrets (for US BBs), they are works of ART. Rob Stalnaker made the plugs for those. The process is very accomodating of detail work. The turrets can be molded out of a plasticky hard stuff, a tough rubber, or a bouncy rubber (which is what's used for the termite armor). I've been investigating using thick fiberglass for the main turrets, but doing that you give up detail, which is not as cool.

    If I went ahead and did a set of 1/96 Yamato turrets, I can tell you 2 things: 1) It would probably be a little spendy (BC charges around $50 for the turret set in 1/144, and the mains are fiberglass) and 2) I would probably be compelled to build a 1/96 Musashi. I say spendy, but I would do these at cost just to be part of the project :)

    If you want me to do them, and intend to buy a set, I'll add it to the list ahead of the Agano hull plug(the Agano is my pet project, not a rush). I can justify putting this ahead of the rest of the potential projects on the sheer coolness value of a massive Yamato. I'm already into the research & design cycle on the Kingfisher, and a fair number of people want those so I need to finish that first. The Jap DN turret plug is almost done, so that's not really a concern, time-wise.

    My thoughts on the mains would be: Do a detailed plug, make the mold so that the outside is reasonably thick, but not too thick, so that I can line the inside of a tough rubber (good detail) shell with a couple layers of fiberglass, while still leaving enough room for guns. Secondaries and tertiaries are small enough that they can be cast straight-up. Do you intend to arm any of the non-main turrets?

    Hmm... I just looked a pics of the 1/10 Yammer in the museum in Japan. Those are sweet looking :) I wonder if I could fabricate the canvas fume shields (or whatever they're called) around the barrels? That would look soooo cool.
  10. Mark

    Mark Active Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Swansea, MA
    Build them:) but don't blame me when your wife yells at you for having an 8' rc battleship in the house:D Fisrt off the best bet would be to go to your local book store and order the book by Janusz Skulski, The Battleship Yamato (part of the Anatomy Of The Ship series) you'll need this for the plans for the cannons and when you go to build yours. around 157 pages of detailed scale drawrings that you can enlarge or decrease to suit your needs. The turrets I'll be arming are the 3 primary (3-triple turrets) 4 secondary (4-triple turrets) and 6 3rd (6-double turrets) so all those turrets must be made to accept cannon. make the barrle spacing scale because I'm having the Bill from BDE coustom make all the gums to scale. so how much would you expect this to cost? Getting them by summer would be fine. you check out the pics I posted in the photo gallery? they will give you an idea of what I'm talking about.
    P.S. mains should be made in a way that future camera systems can be placed inside
  11. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Already have that book on my wish list at Amazon :) It was the first necessary reference I thought of when I read your post asking about this. I will also be ordering a set of plans from my friend Haruo in Japan who makes the most detailed plans EVER. The book will be necessary, but Haruo's plans are worth their weight in gold as well :) To see some examples, go to: and look! He includes with the plans a 3/4 perspective view of the superstructure! Incredible, and a really nice guy to boot. When I say at-cost, the book and plans aren't part of the cost :) They're for my inspiration and gratification. I wish I had wall space to hang all the plans I have :)
    As far as cost, this far out in the design cycle, I don't have a clue, but I will post updates as design work progresses and as the plugs get built/sculpted/tossed/restarted :) The mains are going to be huge (by my usual scale), but realistically, it's not a whole lot of material on a materials-buying scale. The main investment will be time, to smooth out imperfections, get the details right and triple-check angles and dangles prior to casting the mold. Part of the beauty of a project this size is that I will get the mains done and can be casting them while I'm working on the 2ries (and then the 3ries), and send them to you so you can do work on your end rather than making you wait till I get done with all of them.
    As far as casting them to accomodate cameras and guns, that's not too hard. They're going to be mostly empty space inside, so put what you like in there :) I figured that you'd likely arm some, if not all of the 2ry and 3ry armament, since I would if I was building one :) I already have some very good drawings of the enclosed triple 25mmAA guns, so that's good. If the rangefinders on the main turrets are close to the same size as the North Carolina's, you could put a tiny mirror inside one and take camera shots thru the rangefinder! On that note, I do need to point out that the Rangefinders will likely be cast as separate pieces. They stick out too far to flex the mold around (rangefinders on secondaries usually don't), so I'll have to build the plugs to allow fitting them together. On the definate plus side from that, doing a separate mold for rangefinders lets me do a better detail on them. If the book has a good diagram of the rangefinders, I can cast in a couple of cylinders in the back of the cavity "looking out" that can be painted to simulate lenses, and put a piece of clear plastic over it. Might even look realistic! Or I can leave as big a path as possible if you wanted a camera periscope in there. I may start a new thread for us to brainstorm ideas for it in the SAS section (since no one else is using it :)

    I have a massive test on renal physiology on Monday, but as soon as that's over, I will be working on the OS2 plug, finishing Komet (tho that's one of those things that you lay some 'glass, and do other stuff while it cures), and in class I'll doodle on Yammer's Hammers. I'm supposed to be picking up a scanner from my parents' house this week, so I'll be able to post scans of doodles for everyone to critique and improve.

    For the OS2 guys who may still be reading, I had a thought about removeable aircraft. How would you allied vermin like it if I made the catapult a 2-piece unit. The round base gets mounted to the deck and stays there, and the catapult is removeable. The OS2 would have a couple of brass rods in the float that would fit the catapult, and you could remove it or glue it in place. Then for battle, pull just the plane, or the plane + upper parts of catapult. Again, I still need feedback on what you want from the plane: rough&ready, or prettyboy&glass jaw.

    If I was going to speculate, my 2.4GHz RC homebrew will be indefinately put off, for a good cause.
  12. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    BTW Mark, which Yamato are you building, the 1945 version, or as built or what? :)
  13. Mark

    Mark Active Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Swansea, MA
    Thats excellent! The only thing is that I'm not arming the 25mm enclosed triple mounts (but make them anyway, I'll use them on the ship, need 8 of 'em) they're not large enough to arm according to the rules (smallest caliber is 3" and up). so the only ones that need to be "hollow" are the 46cm, 15.5cm, and the 12.7cm guns. By the way, when you make your turrets, do you make some kind of grove at the base where it will attatch to the barb on the deck? Also thinking about "arming" the flight deck so to speak, with the ability to launch 1 scale plane per catapult per sorty, any ideas?
  14. Mark

    Mark Active Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Swansea, MA
    as built in 1941, her origional version
  15. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I've started a thread in the SAS section for us to brainstorm :) I might have some ideas... see you there!
  16. Robert Clarke

    Robert Clarke Member

    Jan 3, 2007

    Are these the MYCO plans available from ?
    If so, they are nice.

    I have a couple of these and they are great.
  17. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Those plans are really really nice! I've been using photos from the internet to carve the superstructure, it would have been nice to have those... Oh well, still turned out nicely.
  18. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Pacific Front lists them as Miyukikai plans... but they are charging $30 more than Haruo-san does, and Haruo-san includes shipping in his price, and on your first order he sends you a detail booklet of random Japanese shipboard fittings/boats/ catapults... I agree, all his plans are of the highest standard.

    I can't see paying $55 plus shipping for a set of plans I paid $24, shipped from Japan in about 2 weeks, for. But if Haruo-san wasn't selling them direct, they are easily nice enough to be worth $55.
  19. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    Two thing

    USS Florida?!

    Where is The north Carolina?
  20. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    Oh never mind, found The NC. And there's a Hell of alot of blueprints for her too!

    Still though... USS florida?