Informal 2020 Nats Survey

Discussion in 'IRCWCC' started by Kevin P., May 1, 2020.

  1. Kevin P.

    Kevin P. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    Chantilly, VA
    Duplicating here for members that might not be on the yahoo list:


    The eboard has been discussing Nats plans, and we want to get some input from those captains that typically attend Nats, or are planning to attend this year.

    I put together an informal survey to help gather that information in an efficient way. We understand that there are a lot of factors that everyone needs to consider depending on their situation.

    If you plan on attending Nats, or if you typically attend Nats, please fill out the survey to help us confirm the best path forward. Nothing in the survey constitutes a formal vote.

    Nats is planned for July 12 - 17 in Bradford, PA

    Here is the survey link:

    IRCWCC 2020 Nats Survey

    IRCWCC 2020 Nats Survey
    Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.

    We are fortunate to have Nate Graham as a club member and president, he will be the site host, and is also a doctor. He provided the eboard with valuable information regarding the local situation in Bradford. The spark-notes version is that there are no cases in the immediate area, and the surrounding counties have 1-5 cases, with no hospitalizations or deaths. I'll defer any other details to Nate.

    Pending any surprises in the survey results, the Eventbrite signup link should be posted soon with hotel information. I will start populating a fleet list as well.

    I'm personally looking forward to Nats this year, and I hope a lot of members are able to attend.


    Kevin P.
    IRCWCC Secretary
  2. Kevin P.

    Kevin P. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    Chantilly, VA
    22 yes so far, planning to keep the same week. If you haven’t replied and are considering going, please fill out the survey