Introductions from North Atlantic Battle Squadron

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Craig, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Hey fellow pirates and ninjas! My name is Craig and call Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada home. I was recruited into this crazy sport in 2004 and for my 30th birthday, purchased the North Carolina from Rob Clarke of NABS. I have since purchased and resold the Newfoundland. Boughten an Iowa hull to trade for a Yamato one and set it up as IJN Shinano, and have begun my first boat from a non-restorative stage, Bismarck!

    I think I got the bite from this in 2004 early July, when then President Curt Stokes, took me to the "Shipyard". I was amazed and interested from that moment on. My first combat experience came a week later at Lake Charlotte during a model show. Curt's Yamato and Tommy's Nagato were armed and ready and the Scharnnie with John Coffil at the helm was prepared to sink. It was the first time I heard that all to familiar sound of bb on balsa. SNAP! Lots of fun. My first official sink was a sacrifice at CANNATS eight. I was out of juice but not bb's. Yamato had beached and fowled herself. I still think Curt fired first... in the end the mess was cleared and both retired from that battle. Yes, I will admit all the damage was not mine... Nelson helped drive the nail through the coffin. It is a team sport!

    I look forward to this years season. I will be sinking a fair number of ships this year as the Bismarck! Look out Allies!

    Participated in: CANNATS 8 and 9. ST. John Regionals 2004. Sam Slick Event 2004 and 2005. Mini-CANNATS 2005. Numerous sailings and small battles. Have sailed and battled on five ponds or lakes and am partly or fully responsible for sinking two class 7/8, two class 5, three class 4 and three class 3. Totalling 10 sinks to my credit and have been sunk three times by Yamato-class ships over the past two seasons.

    Glad to be here. Love the site. Keep up the good work Justin!
  2. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Thanks craig, welcome & thanks for all your support
  3. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Hello fellow Captains,Admirals and all those who are freinds now turned into enemies lol. I discovered this game through a friend waay back in 1987. Back then we were just experimenting with making normal models run and the only bb involvemnt was us shooting at plastic ship targets floating on a tether in a pond shooting daisy bbs at them.

    Paul March is responsible for getting me into this. In my home Province of Newfoundland we formed a small combat club consisting of 7 cruisers, 2 battleships, 1 cargo ship, 1 destroyer, and 1 battlecruiser. Only 1 ship was full outfitted with a cannon system and worked while another was missing the pneumatics.

    Jump to 1991 ended up in British Columbia. Promoted the hobby ther but though other ships joined they were not combat. Jump again to 1992 arrived in Halifax/Dartmouth Nova Scotia. Built a scratch built Italian battleship for combat but it had no gun system. Did recruit a former Battleship from NEWFOUNDLAND but none of the ships we had in our so called combat club could fight.

    1993 - Purchased my first fully stocked combat kit DKM BISMARCK. Ran that model every chance I got everywhere no matter how cold or hot and set up a display at a model boat show with just 1 table 2 battleships and a video. Well the rest as they say is history. Met another fellow combatant and we formed NORCAN BATTLE SQUADRON IN 1994.That changed to NORTH ATLANTIC BATTLE SQUADRON IN 1995 also the year of our first official local battle and first sink in the club, where Bismarck scored her first victory.

    The first fleet battle occured in 1996 and the first official fleet battle or CANADIAN NATIONALS occured 1998 at the now infamous GRAHAM'S GROVE or "THE GROVE" as we affectionaly call it. Since that time the site has seen 9 weekend NATIONAL COMPETITIONS. Competitors from Newfoundland, NewYork,and other parts of the USA and Canada have arrived to partake in battle.

    Nabs has over the years been in the media with 2 news clips, 2 appearances on a local breakfast show, and we have been in the newspapers at least 15 times. We have been contacted my numerous groups to demonstrate what we can do and have been contacted by the local news media and the National News Media. We have participated in other towns annual events and have attended dozens of local hobby shows from plastics to air to boat shows. We have been instrumental in making effective new rule proposals within the IRCWCC and have representatin there with some members attending compete or visiting. I have seen Nabs contribute to the sport with the beatiful hulls and inovations the guys here have made locally.

    The club has seen members come and go but the core spirit of the club remains strong and active. Many challenges have come our way and though we struggle against these challenges we always seem to come out on top by the time our season closes.

    We may be small but we are mighty and I for one am very proud of the acheivements this club has made and it's contributions. I wish to thank the entire membership over the last 10years and most of all to the inventors of this crazy obsessive but wonderful sport,hobby, game, call it what you will but it is certaintly the most intersesting and fascinating venture I have ever participated in.

    We hope to see more come aboard and participate in the sport we all come to known as RADIO CONTROL MODEL WARSHIP COMBAT.

    I am very proud that we have made it this far with our 10th anniversary season of CAN-NATS coming up in September.

    My ships in the past where IJN TENRYU light Cruiser - IJN AOBA HEAVY CRUISER - DKM BISMARCK - 9 YEARS -6 of them unsunk.300 runs, dozens of lakes sailed, thousands of miles traveled, the most involved model in the media and still is to this day.Dozens of sinks and dozens more contributed sinks. IJN YAMATO - Excellent press nearly 350 outings , over 150 battles sunk 4 times, dozens of sinks and contributied sinks ect ect you get the picture.
    Founder and President for the last 13 years - contributed to many of the ships in operation and were in operation- contributed to the recruitment of the club.

    Just a little bio it really is too large at this point but you get the picture.

  4. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Ok, Justin you are next! Come'on guys, Here is a spot to take a breather post about yourself and learn about who you are sharing yout thoguhts and ideas with! BTW, Curt, couldn't have summed up your experiences any better than this. Let's go boys and girls Role Call!
  5. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Ooh, ooh, me too! I'm next! Hello fellow battlers, targets, and... more targets... My name is Carl. I have an identical twin brother named Eric who sometimes uses my profile here. Once I convince him to register himself here, you will know him as Gascan. Eric and I hail from Mountain View, California, and are currently attending college at Davis, CA.

    I first discovered the sport on the afternoon of December 19, 2003, when my brother did a web search on "RC Combat" and saw a picture of several battleships side-by-side, with big splashes, holes in hulls, and pumps madly spraying. The next photo was even better, with one of the combatants disappearing beneath the waves. By the end of the month, he had discovered that the nearest club was only a few miles away, and I had received my first digital camera as a christmas present. Together we teamed up to flood officers' inboxes with hundreds of questions, to which they replied: come to a battle. Two months later, armed with camera, safety goggles, and curiosity, we attended our first event with the Western Warship Combat Club.

    My first ship was a borrowed transport called the Queen Olga. It was shot full of holes and its internals needed maintenance, but if I could fix it then I would be allowed to run it in combat. Eric received a transport in similar condition, the Moroccan Mole. We repaired the ships and fought them for the rest of the 2003 season. My first sink was in the Moroccan Mole, when a friendly submarine mis-identified me as an enemy and torpedoed the Mole in the port side.

    During the winter building season, I returned the borrowed cargo boat and purchased an old wrecked Scharnhorst. It was refit in time for the first annual WWCC Axis-Allies Campaign Battle, where it gained the dubious distinction of contributing to the loss of two Axis dreadnoughts. Back to drydock, refit in time for the WWCC Axis-Allies Campaign Battle Rematch, where the admirable performance of both ship and skipper secured not only victory but 2004 Rookie of the Year. Scharnhorst fought throughout the 2005 season, but due to the difficulty of maintaining a battleship in college dorm rooms, I traded it for the german light cruiser, Spahkreuzer SP-1.

    In summer 2006, Eric and I completed our first scratch-built ship, the Italian cruiser Luigi Cadorna. Cadorna fought with the Axis fleet for the 2006 Campaign Battle, mining Allied ports and convoy routes, and towing several disabled vessels back to port as part of the Italian Rescue Agency. In the first battle of September, the newly refit Spahkreuzer hit the water. Its career started with a bang, singlehandedly sinking first a battleship, then a cruiser and destroyer before getting mined then sunk under the guns of a pocket battleship. In the second battle of September, Spahkreuzer continued its reign of terror, sinking one battleship twice and two heavy cruisers to the bottom without loss to itself. At the October battle Last Man Standing, Spahkreuzer sank three more ships, culminating in a thrilling 5-minute duel with a rival torpedo cruiser that ended with Spahkreuzer chasing the Scipione Africanus into the murky depths.

    As you can guess, I'm particularly proud of my Spahkreuzer. It was the first ship I ever purposefully sank another ship with. Unfortunately several components that weren't replaced during its initial refit weren't up to the stress of a Last Man Standing, and currently needs new drive motors and bilge pump. Eric's Cadorna is also in drydock for the addition of a listing device. Last year I was appointed official club photographer, and have done my best to fulfill the role with both pictures and video. I am also the resident ship recovery specialist. As they say, "I'll sink your ship, then pick it up off the bottom so I can sink it again".

    During the last week of December, I found out that MWC's Cal-Neva Combat Club is near my current residence in Davis,
  6. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Well Done Carl! Sounds like you and your brother have things well in hand. Nice to hear your background.
  7. Mark

    Mark Active Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Swansea, MA
    We have some snow up here in western Mass, but not much. I guess introductions are in order, my name is Mark, live in Easthampton, MA, and just getting started in RC combat. I've built and toyed around with nitro powered boats for a few years and always thought it would be cool to actualy arm them to do battle so you can imagine my reaction when I discovered rc combat while surfing thee web. So now myself and 6-10 others are starting our own local club in 1/96 scale. One member is going to build an Iowa, he's just waiting on the plans to come in, I have aready started building a Yamato (1941 version befor any refits) and just finishing up the framework, only a couple of stringers left to glue on and I can plank the hull. The rest of the group are looking to build destroyers and cruisers. thats it for now I guess, any questions just ask.
  8. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Welcome aboard to the RC Naval forum Mark. Look forward to seeing pics of your new ships and reading war stories from your group. Hope you find this sport as intriquing as I have and still continue to be amazed and challendged by it. You'll find all kinds of support here in the RC combat community.

  9. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    Hello all My name is Buddy Friend ,I have been in this great hobby for 20 years. I got my start in Washington state with the group that became the Queens Own. I started when i picked up a copy of Scale Ship Modeler and it had a article by Dan Dees called A Rookies Baptism in Fire a day at the Nationals. I was hooked and called Paul Fleming and went to a battle and bought ship plans and away i went. My first ship was the heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis , I ran for several years in the IRWCC. I helped form the Florida Attach Forve with Don Cole and Leif Goodson. Moved back to Oregon and helped in starting the Cascade Column. Now I live in Newark Ohio and a founding member of the BuckeyeBattle Squadron. My Daughter grew up going with me to the battles and she has her own shops , The IJN Suzya heavy cruiser and the HMAS Austriala battlecruiser. I run the USS South Dakota and also USS Oregon City which is a modified Balitmore class heavy cruiser. This ship was built just before my daughter was born and is now 16 yrs old. If you go to Barnstormer Boats Tim is useing it to make a mold for more Balitmore cruisers.I am playing with the idea of building the HMS Renown or the USS Idaho. Also working on trying to get plans for USS Wasp aircraft carrier, I have to the water line but haveing problems finding below.
    We currently have in the newark area my ships and Greg Rusack has an Italian battleship, and a USS Desmones heavy cruiser. Don Fink has the USS North Carolina and a Bouge class escort carrier along with a USS Indianapolis cruiser. We also have a HMZS New Zealnd battle cruiser with Alan Brierly. Our group keeps growing. I hope one day to meet more of the great people on the pond!
  10. Powder Monkey

    Powder Monkey Active Member

    Dec 18, 2006
    Waiting for that hull cant wait
  11. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Hey there Buddy! Sounds like you've got tonnes of experience in Naval Warship Combat/ship-building/formulating clubs. Good man to have on the forums. Thanks for the info. Send me an e-mail with your club's url, I'd like to check it out.
  12. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Buddy is a member of the Buckeye Battle Squadron in Ohio, USA (use the find local clubs) & now Treaty Combat.

    Treaty keeps promising me they will let me advertise them as "soon", but apparently "soon" continually means several months from now. :))
  13. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Welcome aboard Buddy. I used to read Scale ship modeler and US Boat@Ship Modeler and I enjoyed reading how you helped out guys getting into the sport in the early days. You are a true inspiration.
  14. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    So there is no website for them....
  15. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Tuggs? Justin? What is everyone afraid to speak all of a sudden?
  16. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Sorry... I've been busy with work & my car & trying to find time for the NJ & what little time I have for the website is taken with the new warship registry (codename grey armada)

    Just can't steal myself away to chat much right now.
  17. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    That's ok Juss. We know the huge commitment you have made to get this bad boy going.... when you are ready, let her rip!
  18. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Hey still want to see the intros... guys?.....
  19. Mark41

    Mark41 Active Member

    Jan 22, 2008
    Orillia, Ontario , Canada
    Hi Guys...As for intros...I found a model R/C magasine with 2 ships battling and of course 1 sinking, and this intrigued me. So...I bought the Swampy video and was hooked... My first ship was SMS Hindenberg in 1999. I met another guy locally who bought a used HMS Lion and turned into IJN Kirishima.. In 2000, we had our first battle. I'd say Hindenberg took as much as it gave back.. We battled at several spots until we found our "pond" in Milton, Ont. Each year we seem to be growing by 1 or 2 members, and now up to 8 or 10 on paper. The usual number is 6 at the pond on battle day.

    My "Northern Fleet" as I call it includes DKM Scharnhorst, and HMS wooden hull Royal Oak. I purchased a DKM Graf Spee used from a Nabs member but then sold it last year to a guy locally to battle with.
    Scharnhorst is my flagship, and at least 2 other ships will acompany me to the pond on battle day. Regularly they are put into service by wannabe captains. Tirpitz will be making its battle debut in 2008 so I may need to buy a van to get all my ships to the water.

    I've attended a 2004 Fall Regional, and 2007 Spring Regional, and hope to make more of them in 2008.

    My family is growing, and my work has a constant commitment to keeping me away from the battles but I'm working on changing that!!

    Hope to see you on the water....
  20. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    Hi guys. Well since the first installment of this there has been some changes. I have built a another Oregon city class due to Barnstormers dissappearing with my ship, the proud owner of this ship is Shakeyboa, now have also sent hull ribs and bow amd stern sections for a Baltimore to another gentleman. Ok Don fink is building a Idaho BB,Greg has now turned to the dark side and is building the Seydezt BC with a Derfflinger hull in the background.We have found a large pond we can use from the local Coon Hunters club, mmembership with unlimted access is $25 a yr with club house and everything!!We have set dates for the coming battle yr and are waiting for the final ok of useage.
    I am playing with building a Alaska BC or as they where offically called large cruisers, I also like HMS Renown.I think it would complment by USS South Dakota.I am also looking at building a new Oregon city cruiser fiberglass hull with the wood subdeck built in.