IRCWCC Nationals 2024

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by bkoehler, May 2, 2024.

  1. bkoehler

    bkoehler Active Member

    Aug 10, 2008
    Hi everyone,

    I am looking forward to having people down for NATS this summer!! We have most all of the details worked out (just finished with the T-shirt place.. hence I want to collect a list of sizes to order). The NATS Payment form (PayPal) is posted on the NATS 2024 Event Sign-Up page.
    -- it is in the Additional Notes section at the bottom, along with the Hotel Information

    Be sure to both sign-up on the event page, and also use the club's PayPal form to make payment and record your T-shirt size (they need a couple week's lead-time so it would be best to pay and provide T-shirt size as soon as possible).

    If anyone has trouble signing up and/or needs web access to register, let me know and I can create you an account and/or reset a password.

    I look forward to seeing the ships, chatting with you all, and of course having fun shredding balsa!

    Brian Koehler, NATS 2024 host
    notSoGnarly and Commodore like this.