does anyone know where I can find plans (including hull frames and weapon placement) of the Ise/ Hyuga class battleships as built (1917)?
We carry that plan at Strike Models ( Send Stephen a note at and he'll verify if it meets your needs (I don't have the plan in front of me at the moment). Keri
Keri, already tried that and it was a no-go, and myother source of ship plans over in Japan doesn't have it either
Hi, The Hyuga and Ise were to be the 3rd and 4th members of the Fuso class, but a financial crisis (japan had beggered itself fighting the Russians and was spending about 30% of it's GDP on its armed forces) caused a delay. This allowed some redesign to be carried out and a different gun and boiler arrangment. Conway's says "a modified Fuso, slightly lengthened' This indicates that the 1915 version of Fuso (available in AotS) would do for your hull and sections. There is a Japanese language pictorial history available at Pacific Front ( I don't know the quality of this publication, but I have the one on British Carriers and the pictures in that are excellent.
Miyukikai has good plans. I bought a set of the BBCV and they are glorious. Having 4 sets of Haruo-san's work in the shop, I highly recommend him. Also, buy straight from him, not from the US sources. Straight from him, you get the plans with a book of details for US$24, including shipping! It takes 2 weeks to get the plans, a very good deal, I think.
Tugboat, can you post the link to that site. A good set of plans would make the conversion I am doing much easier, since I am using drawing and pics of models right now. Thanks, J
Here it is: Scroll down to the list of ship plans. Please tell Haruo-san that Clark in Georgia sent you. I like for my friend to know that I am singing his praises