Very olde skool... Poor old boat. It deserved better. Maybe. Meanwhile, speaking of das olde skoole, here's something I found wandering around the internet this evening. I think it'll make a spiffy background, don't you? Oh, and yeah, I should probably start working on my boat now. Maybe tomorrow.
Well, time to combat post-Nats fatigue by posting something wallpapery. Hmm ... Catherine Bach maybe? Oh, wait, maybe not that. How about something completely different - a little something Polish, perchance?
Hey, some of us like 'em curvy. Rubenesque ... Callipygean, even ... Wait, what was the topic again???
Iz Russian Bote, Novogrod, da?,in her designed role as a coast-defence ship. I hear Larry likes his botes even rounder than I do.
Is that a real photo? I'm getting photoshop vibes from it, not sure why... maybe because it's hard to believe it could really go that fast, maybe because it's hard to believe the Russians had that good of a camera back then...
Yeah, it's a painting of a rather famous picture of HMS Howe transiting the Suez Canal. Let's see if I can find the actual picture... Or close enough, anyway.
Yes you are ... and from the looks of things lately, it doesn't look like she's been repainted since then. Poor girl. Good times, good memories...