not getting a speed test done this week.. one of the dog bones is just gone. no clue where it went or how. where can i get these in bulk. looks like i'm going to need to keep a handful in my bag as the angle that the motors are mounted at is fairly severe
Dogbones? I will have to look at my favorites list and see where they come from I will be happy to help with programming your ESC, takes a few seconds to a minute.
And I let out the magic smoke. Started to get a good feel for the ship and was enjoying the boat( turns like a pig at full speed about 45-50 feet to do so) and noticed i need more weight in the bow or just drive in reverse all the time(does about the same speed in reverse as forward......) and pop....... throttle down made certain nothing was on immediate fire as i could have rolled the ship over my balancing was so bad still if needed, and brought it back in....pop. got the top deck off flooded the interior and discovered i had blown 2 capacitors on the motors. in about 3 minutes of driving so i must have hooked them up wrong.
Kind of strange to blow the caps... they are typically non-polarized..... As long as you had one from each terminal to the can, and one connected from terminal to terminal there shouldn't be an issue. Maybe someone who is more electronics savvy would have some insight and will chime in...
As far as the poor turning, two thoughts, forgive me if I am telling you something you already know...... 1) Check to see if it turns better without the stick at the extremes..... if the rudders rotate too far it can hinder turning. I think Greg had done some testing at one point and found that beyond approximately 60 degrees from center the rate of turn begins to decline. 2) From what I have seen on fast gun ships, the builders generally try to get the props as close as possible to the rudders. Judging from your video, you have considerably more distance between them than what is typical. You may consider extending the stuffing tubes. Of course, as you mentioned, trimming out the ship a bit different with the weight distribution can help as well.
you need a higher volt rating on that Cap. About 4 times the working voltage, non polarized type should do the job. If you run at or under the working voltage, failure with a POP. Fun stuff when it isn't your boat.
post a picture of the motor angle, I think you want to correct that instead of a bag of bones. At the battle you will be going from forward to reverse a lot and shearing bones will lead to less fun.... I know you are building it now, but better to rip out and correct than to "live with it" for the first season.
didn't shear the bones. the set screws that came with them where badly undersized... to the point that they flew out with locktight on them underway. looked them over and no excess wear from less than 5 minutes of running now and my radioshack never carried the right size of Cap. which one do i need for the terminal to terminal again?
I just buy big disc-shaped caps with an absurdly large voltage rating. The disc caps aren't directional/polarity-sensitive.
well got my bottle filled today and got a 12oz bottle to static test the guns with.... got the wrong valve type as this one has the push stem and my regulator does not do that. wonder if there is a conversion bit or just remove and replace the valve. would just take it back but I filled it so can't. tomorrow the guns will be fired at the handy berm in my back yard and the weights will be added in the bow to hopefully keep the ship from jumping up on plane so quick and swamping the aft as it does so in forward. SS will NOT be done before the battle as my printer is down while filament dries. that and i need to finish making the other 4 sections of the tower.
Smart Parts made a 1/4 turn adapter that screwed on to the bottle and could depress the pin valve. You might see if you can hunt one down on ebay. There are other paintball bits and parts designed to depress the pin-valve as well. Getting a bit wet in the Fl humidity?
very. if I changed the filament once a week it is fine but more than that and I have issues. : AG1 On/Off Adapter with Gauge - paintball : Paintball Bottom Lines : Sports & Outdoors wish i could tell if the top also had a pin but i don't think it does.
replace the capacitors and put some lead in the boat to correct list and bring it to weight. needed 4 pounds of lead and actually had to put some aft to keep the props under water at full speed. whole boat starts to get on plane and i am glad i made the bow right as it makes a water wall over the top of the bow at speed. pushes it in front until you stop so at least i'm not sinking myself while moving. also broke a dog bone switching from full reverse to full forward while stuck in some grass.
Please give to our need to see boat pictures everyday. A captain's ship is a terrible thing to waste.