if one of the captains going to statsboro guesses what i've got there in the background I will have a brownie for them and yes i know that paint job is rough but should be right about the waterline. tape will be done tomorrow
hah. that is an annoying dog. but it's gotten better. and the scooter's engine seized last time it ran. so i get to fix that later. but no not those two items.
cleaned up the insides and put the keepers on the hoses. just need to find a longer tube for my pump and it should be good again.
ordered brushless motors from hobby king be here sometime next month. working on the shimakaze until they arrive. will need to build a mount that holds my gear reductions and the motors together but shouldn't be that bad. Finally think I have figured a way to build the shima in a way i can actually export to stl with minimal sanding needed to clean up some edges after printing.
decided to refit the kongo and keep it up for soft sale. that is it's for sale but not looking very hard for a buyer right now. should I go with a geared join or do the 3mm to 1/8" universal join. universal with be quieter and less work as i would need to remove the drive shafts to get the angle on them down some more. not going to upgrade the battery to a lipo as the weight of the lead acid is a bonus and honestly I could care less about efficiency i'm just doing this to have fun.
mostly because I have had more fun building than i did fighting. fighting was fun but I either want to have a very large ship to make the hassle of getting it in my car worth it or a smaller ship that is simpler to fit in a car.
universals arrived and are rough mounted. autocad kept crashing or it would have printed a mount for the motors already. need to figure out exatcly what reprograming card i can use on the esc. 60 amp hobby king bec card. no reverse as configured right now.
This card should work, HobbyKing® ™ Programming Card for Car ESC If this is the ESC you have. HobbyKing ® ™ Brushless Car ESC 60A w/ Reverse
The ones I got where this Hobby King 60A ESC 4A UBEC (USA warehouse). which may or may not work for what we do. but they where cheap and i might use them for other project later.
looks like i need to order the correct esc now. wish i had found that car esc the first time i looked.
Don't be afraid to email before you buy, and I'll recommend one and send you a link to it. On the plus side, you can still use that ESC for a brushless pump
Kongo refit failed due to to much weight up high and wayyyy low cut on the hull preventing water channeling. so everything is getting ripped out hull line is going back up over half an inch and getting fiberglass patched back in. aft deck is getting cut out and retrofit to have a removable section. forward gun getting repaired so it actually fires bb's again(compression fitting got something in it and failed). Yamato is second then either a Kuma or redesign the Shimakaze. Kuma as it is an inch longer and half an inch wider with 4 shafts and a better turret layout for doing spurt guns of better design than the ones i have now.
kongo refit started today. tore it down to a frame and remove alot of make do bits. now need some advise on the waterchanneling and placement of the heavy large bits. battery and pump are moving aft one rib from midpoint moving cg slightly aft of central downsizing the bottle and removing the extra firing servo i had in there. filling in the bow to to more solid so water will flow back to the pump servo might go up here moving the guns aft and considering making these 75 round into 50 round printed mags and doing deck level reloads cutting a window into the aft for rudder adjustment and filling up all my given hard area and glassing it over. any pointers on moving anything before i get any further on marking the waterchannel out. going to have to slightly raise the battery so water flow is not impeded by the battery. but other than that not much else special to do.
I wouldn't raise your battery. You would be better off recessing it into the water channel, thus lowering your center of gravity. Raising your battery will make your ship more unstable.