Labor Day Battle (Monday, Sept 5th) - Now with Photos!

Discussion in 'Washington Cascade Column' started by NickMyers, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    We will battle on Labor Day, Monday, September 5th, at Swan Creek in Tacoma. Please arrive to setup and prep ships at 10am. Spectators and guests are welcome so long as they will wear safety glasses. Volunteers to captain merchant vessels in battle are always appreciated.
    Folk who will not be travelling with captains should be encouraged to arrive at 11am or later so they don't feel bored by the setup and prep period - unless they want to help / ask questions / etc.
  2. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    RE: Labor Day Battle (Monday, Sept 5th)
    Well, the labor day battle was.. interesting..

    Our pond was really more of a mud hole as they were prepping to dredge and had diverted the waterflow upstream and broken out the dam that builds up the pond itself. As such it turned into a bit of a knife fight in shallow water and tight quarters.

    We had the Warspite, Richelieu, North Carolina, Scharnhorst, Inconcievable and Derfflinger on the water, Blue team was warspite, i-boat and Richelieu, red team was North Carolina, Derfflinger and Scharnhorst.
    We also had a photographer from the News Tribune out. His gallery is here, the associated article is here.

    The first sortie the Warspite grounded almost immediately in an area we thought was deeper and was punished harshly as the red team swooped in like vultures and let loose a barrage of bbs until the Richelieu could come interpose itself. Near the end of the sortie I managed to impressively ground the Derf in a nearby location and took some hits in my now exposed red area that would nearly sink me next sortie before it even began (forgot to turn the pump on, looked over and was almost to decks awash).

    I dropped my radio in the water while being unintelligent and has to swap with the Maru's, which led to having a reversed rudder channel for the rest of the day.
    In later sorties...

    The I-boat sank itself on a rock, somehow finding the only spot deep enough that her masts didn't poke out of the water to sink.

    The Richelieu also sank as we perforated her grey area before she developed a list and plunged to the bottom, also in the one deep spot. The sink traumatized her aging radio box and she was done for the day.

    The Derf ram-sank the Warspite, for which I apologized profusely.

    I'll get some pictures up later, hopefully today.
  3. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    RE: Labor Day Battle (Monday, Sept 5th) - Now with Minor Recap Sounds like folks had a lot of fun.
    Thanks for the battle report.
    Even just a short report can go a long way.
    I look forward to the photos.
  4. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    RE: Labor Day Battle (Monday, Sept 5th) - Now with Minor Recap
    Onwards, to the photos! - there are 48 of them, and they may take a little bit to load..
    I really hope no one is on dialup these days!

    dsc_0028.jpg dsc_0038.jpg dsc_0052.jpg dsc_0042.jpg dsc_0055.jpg dsc_0022.jpg dsc_0060.jpg both-aground.jpg dsc_0097.jpg dsc_0105.jpg dsc_0084.jpg dsc_0134.jpg dsc_0113.jpg dsc_0137.jpg dsc_0131.jpg dsc_0155.jpg dsc_0180.jpg dsc_0162.jpg dsc_0163.jpg dsc_0204.jpg dsc_0184.jpg dsc_0210.jpg p1000301.jpg p1000312.jpg new-details.jpg embarassing.jpg p1000299.jpg p1000320.jpg p1000321.jpg p1000327.jpg p1000304.jpg p1000322.jpg p1000357.jpg p1000328.jpg p1000315.jpg p1000334.jpg p1000347.jpg p1000396.jpg p1000366.jpg p1000381.jpg p1000407.jpg p1000382.jpg p1000409.jpg p1000430.jpg p1000419.jpg p1000421.jpg p1000402.jpg visible-damage.jpg
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
  5. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Sweet photos.
    You should name that battle location iron-bottom sound.
    Go Richelieu!
  6. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA

    After walking out into it and sinking 2 feet deep into the bottom muck (in water only a foot deep) I think it should be more appropriately called 'sandal-sucking-deeply-unpleasant-mud-bottom-sound'. I also found an arrow in it, an assortment of pointy sticks (with my feet) and since I know people occasionally fish in it I'm sure there are hooks as well, wading in that muck seems more unpleasant the more I think about it.
  7. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    thread necro because i fixed the pictures...