Turret rings are in, O2 level of the SS was redone and painted. Working now on the little things like CIWS, SLQ-32, NULKA racks and the likes.
Looking nice. Like the Super and the markings look great. Always could make templates for later on for touch up so you just have to lay it over and not have to have to steady of a hand. Also an airbrush would make that easy also, but I think it looks awesome.
Does anyone have an opinion on which turret already manufactured would best represent the twin 16 inch Lexington was supposed to have installed?
I would have to agree. Thems my huckleberries. As far as the markings go, most are laid down with a paint pen from the local hobby store. Its freehand for the most part. Up close kinda fugly, but once you put five or teen feet of standoff in, she looks the part. I am stripping and redoing the deck with the foul arcs. They got too large and I wanted to make everything uniform.
From what I can see, the USS Arizona turret that Strike has might fit the bill better than the Colorado. You'll have to reface them and re-drill them to be able to have two cannon ports. Probably nothing more that a piece of thin plywood epoxied onto front, then drill the holes. www.strikemodels.com/products/turrets/ Hope this helps, Beaver
That seems like a retrograde turret design, that may have been right for the early version but not the 16"/50 version EDIT After doing some looking I don't think either is really right. It has some elements of both. Very odd. The South Dakota's would have used a modified Colorado class turret but the Lexington's were different.
I've been up and down the interweb, but for the life of me I am having a hard time finding a place that does 1/144th fittings. Any and everything is fair game. Hatches, bits, bollards, SPG-62s... whatever I can lay my hands on that won't require me to scratch build. Not the really nice brass stuff. I don't want to drop two bills rebuilding my deck after a weekend on the pond. Edit: The efforts of today.... Starboard SRBOC deck. I'll call that good for the day. Need to do something other than the boat..... wait... do I? I thought I recalled someone did lasercut WTDs in my travels, can anyone hook me up with who?
^&%$&%$&%^!!!!!! Main Mast Slowly coming along. Nothing is glued down yet so I can still get at the Bridge and decking to detail. 2 weeks off from work so I should make decent headway. I am trying to find beads and stuff at the local Hobby Lobby that will stand in for emitter domes and liferafts. SRBOC decks are done. Redid those vents to look less clunky. Mount 20-1 is ready to go to work. (The ultimate Spurt Gun?) And the SLQ-32s are in.
Beav, Once I close on this new house me and the Mrs. are buying I will be able to get into the guts. Not to mention having a built in test pond on site is a big plus. As for now I am just making her pretty. I already have all the parts for the drive train. The gearboxes have been molded into the bilges and the tubes are in place. I need to get the struts cut and mounted, and the rudder installed but all that is pretty straight forward. The real bear is going to come getting 4 twins up and running. Hopefully by that point someone is mass producing them.
Sounds like you have a plan. Yeah, cannons can be a problem. If you can't find any for a while, you could just make a flight deck for her..... Beaver
The front SS looks awesome, but I'm not sure about all the steps on the back of the aft SS. Maybe it'll grow on me when detail is added.
Tug, the upper step is for the aft GTM exhuasts, the next two are platforms for SPG-62s, and the furthest aft is for Mount 20-2. All of those are pretty simple. So hopefully I will be able to finish all that today after I get back from the barn.
Looking forward to seeing it on the water soon We have a February battle in Statesboro, GA if you want to come play with a loaner boat Just show up and drive.