You can waterproof the push button using E6000 and Saran wrap and maintain it's function. Method is to E6000 around the switch (but not on the moving part of the push button). After E6000 sets, cut a small circle of Saran wrap and place over the push button and press the edge of the Saran wrap onto the dried E6000 (it will stick like glue). E6000 over the entire push button and let dry. You now have a waterproof push button.
Here is the case filled with epoxy. I poured epoxy through the 2 circuit boards then filled the plastic lid and slowly pushed the circuit board into the lid and screwed it back together. Plenty of squeeze out. 2 tiny bubbles. After it dried I used Scotchkote around the exterior. I will come back to the key switch after I am satisfied that I can make everything work with the programming card.
Its a PITA to work with as well. :blink: I don't care if it is ungly. Nobody should be looking at stuff on the inside.