LiFePO4 Help Needed

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by McSpuds, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. rcengr

    rcengr Vendor

    Feb 13, 2010
    I'm running a two cell, 6.6 volt, 1500mAh LifePo4 pack in my Golo. The pack will last about an hour of continuous running.
    Charging the different types of batteries isn't difficult. Get a charger that does it all, with updateable firmware, and you will never need another charger. I have an $80 I-Charger that does everything I will ever need. It has built-in balance connectors and charges up to 10 amps. Charging Life batteries is as easy plugging in the the balance plug and main plug and then pushing start. Caveman simple. SLAs make great ballast for heavy ships, don't bother with them for smaller ships.
  2. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    I was thinking of switching my Bismarck to these new types to giver it a longer run time when the pump is running on and pumping hard. I find the rough water running in big waves the pump will drain the limited power . Doesn't help that I have a Johnson 970 and a 2.5 in dia prop drawing a lot of power too.