I would like to invite anybody who wishes to join me on my live "Spudswerk Shipyard Daily WorkShop". Open invitation to our live workshop on Discord. I am on almost every day from 1pm est to about 11 pm, sometimes later in the evenings till I fall asleep at the workbench. Just use the following link for Discord to Join. https://discord.gg/UTeZsnk It's no cost, and you dont need a video cam to watch the shop and have some good conversations about the hobby. If we get enough doing this, we can have some very nice conference videos going on each day... So if your interested, just join up, and I will add your permissions when I see your welcome message in Discord.
I will be on at 12:10 pm EST today till about 2pm, then back on about 3pm till late in the evening..... going to be a good day for building.
Sorry about being awol for a few days. I was in a lot of pain the past few days. Doing ok now and shop will be open most of today and tonight so get caught up. Will also be looking at the upcoming group build and discussing it somewhat. Join in folks... PS, does anybody know if there is a number limit on how many can be in a Skype call? I might have to start running a live stream if needed.
I'm gonna join you again soon. Late night yesterday.. late night tonight... late night tomorrow... Maybe Thursday? If not, shootin for Saturday again.