Ideally I would want to install the guns first and build everything around them, but the shafts were ordered to length and that is the determining factor. I don't think there will be an issue.
Worked on the aft turret, used lexan tube for the barbet. Capped with fiberglass board and ground out. Bottom plate of turret is glued, will use brass tubes to guide the "termite armor" turret to the base. The hole will probably get a little bigger once we install guns. Will make a SS holder for the gun barrels. Turret sitting on base plate
Outside of hull has been sanded smooth. Used lightweight fiberglass cloth to cover and hold the epoxy, this will get sanded smooth when dry. Here you can see the gearbox is flush with the hull
Working on the turret, want to make it easy to tweak at pond side or quickly check. Using a termite armor version, you can see the gun sights are cast in. Off they come, and a hole is drilled in its location Using two threaded 6/32 screws, will cut them down some but the idea is the gun pins will clamp on them while the ship is in battle. This also helps to keep the turret on the boat. Cut out the gun ports so the whole thing just lifts up.
Bow blast shield in place, cut a groove in the putty and sealed with epoxy. No BB's going through both sides on this boat Using the west system epoxy and micro balloons to cover the putty for a smooth finish. Will paint the inside with epoxy paint to seal everything up. Still lots of work to do...
Ha! I do have the nice shop so I can do a few things faster, but Heiko still has a lot of work to do. He is currently working on super and all the "bling"
strikemodels offers a superstructure for the Luetzow. it is made out of a kind of light rubber, it comes with transparent plastic decks and some wooden parts. i use the plastic decks as templates for styrene. the decks are made of appr. 0.040-.050 styrene. the rail out of very thin styrene.. easy to replace when shot . i try to avoid wooden parts.
Superstructure and hull together for the first time. Stern deck cut and installed. Still needed to sand the putty at the time this picture was taken.
Hull has been moved out of the shipyard and was transferred to Heiko's fleet base for additional fitting out. Expected one last trip back for final internal details and hull skin.
did some milling work today: holders for the kibs that also have two screws to hold the pump later parts are milled out of full material... yes, i had a good time on the machine shop.. also made a manifold for the air supply.. the holders can be glued and /or screwed to the boat... that;s how i should look later
Looking great Heiko. Make sure the input hoses are facing the bow, and the tubes from the regulator are facing aft.
hm, actually it is the opposite way... have to figure out if it work the other way as well... actually i even understand why.. ;-)
Ship is looking GREAT! Lou, I told Brian about your mod to his Lutzow turrets and he thought it was a great idea
Sorry Heiko for not returning your IM, today was working in the backyard until just now. I will have time this next weekend if you want to stop by and work on the ship.