Remaining work: Deck detailing in certain locations Rib detailing aft of the aft stack remaining superstructure items misc. small overhanging parts of casemates (guns them selves are cut from tube stock) gearbox
all parts done except for motor mounts. small superstructure parts are up to the builder, large ones are in wood. Larger parts need to be split up for shipping purposes. unique part count is ~80-90 and total count will be >120 Baden turrets are close enough for most purposes but if someone with some time to mold parts wanted to mold up mackensen turrets, I would be happy to provide plans/solidmodel geometry/work to get them a prototype turret to pull parts from note the deck. deck has curvature that is maintained by superstructure and some braces on the underside. the removable portions of the deck are held in with tabs that can easily be cut out using a raser saw or hacksaw. DO NOT fill the slots with glue or that job becomes more difficult. this assembly is different than many ships out there. the whole ship including most of the superstructure is assembled and strategically bonded together. ONLY THEN are the removable deck portions cut out. by doing it this way the removable portions will retain the same curvature as the nonremovable portions.
rudders are 25% oversized on area, scale angle and position. rudders are chain driven off of servo using standard sprockets and some servocity hardware. chain will be interrupted with cable to allow for the twist needed. some sanding of the local ribs may be needed for clearnace for the chain, but that is easily done. Now I need to get some drawings going to get parts out for quote
Just started the drawings... including the not yet drawn motor mounts, unique part count is 90 and total count is 176
DXF file generation for laser cutter done, first pass. now I need to review it and make certain all the parts are there, then it can be sent off for quote
they are about 0.1" different. the mack's are slightly taller and shorter. I can provide rapidprotofiles
Sweet. I'm soldering the electronics for the Mendel right now. I got permission certificates from you for the Littorio turrets but no files. Are they on a google drive or something?
there were two stl files in the zip file I sent you. you may have some other program on your computer that thinks the extension stl means something else.
The lasercut kits (both Greg's and Mark's) are the most exciting thing to happen in the hobby in recent years I know that one of our scouts who is close to getting Eagle is going to be very excited when he gets the Littorio kit I bought for him.
I got my notification to!!!! perfect timing as my Littorio (to be renamed Impero upon launching) is just about ready for float testing.
HoooAH! More motivation to finish the QE and the Mendel so I can print turrets and SS! I'm down to the wiring and it'll be ready! Not long now.
Ok so my Mac arrived today and boy is it prettier in person, great job Greg! So being the extremly patient person that I am.... I of course popped all the pieces out and organized them, then started dry fitting the bow. My suggestion to ALL who got this kit is to be very delicate with the bow keel. Mine easily started to break at rib 6(aka rib 5 due to 1&2 being connected up front. Luckily I noticed it and was able to avoid complete diaster. Good luck everyone!