Stopping by to say "Thank You Greg" Got my Mac a month ago and it is a thing of Beauty! Hope to have a place to build it this winter, the house we were looking to buy turned out to have too many problems, (now wife is less than happy with me for not wanting to way overpay for a Pile) And the beat goes on!
ok so the last couple of days my mind has been pondering potential batle strategies for the Mac and with my Impero in the lack of guns limbo Mac project is center stage. This got me thinking of internal layouts and one of the things I was wondering about was if anyone has a relativly accurate top view image to give an accurate layout? Specifically the torpedo locations. Trying to see if it is even feasible to arm them. I see the conways pdf says 1 in bows and two on either broadside forward and aft of torp bulkhead for a total of 5.
check out sms mackensen 3d. you can see the bow torp there.. I can not for the life of me figure out where the remainder are
Hey Greg, do you happen to have just the main turret as a cad file? I was thinking of asking Tugboat to print me one if he is willing.
I must be looking at this wrong but it appears that the torp tube was literally in the bow....below the water?
It is raining like mad outside, so there is no temptation to sneak out to the shop. Today is (after breakfast, a 'get printing' day, and I will hopefully have pretty pictures for show and tell very soon (today). Probably some really ugly ones too as I adjust the settings. Greg already sent me the Littorio main turrets to test how they turn out, and they'll be the first 'real' things printed after calibration is done. If I do well enough to impress him, maybe we'll see more printed goodies
I have the turret file in cad, it is in the group of files tug can have if the littorio files work for him... Tugboat, I forget, did I ever get you the split apart littorio superstructure model? yep. bow tube below water line.. I do not know where the others are
The other four are on the side (2 port, 2 starboard). If you look at this drawing on Wiki it will show the approximate location as little squares:
Ok I am trying to figure out were the location of the Torpedos and I found a coup photos online of Mac drawings. Here is one of the drawings: Based on this which rib wold you say the torpedos are closest to? (they are marked as the little squares beneath the waterline) The forward one seems to be just in front of Rib 7 and the aft one looking to be between ribs 23 and 24. What do yall think?
Let me look. I can't wait till summer when I have time to work on boats again.... Have to get past a test in april and through all these long work days first Looks to be right at balloon note 24 (rib marked 21 by etch) And at balloon note 7 rib in the bow. I believe she had a straight forward bow torp as well about 2/3 of the way up the angled bow section
Yes thats what it looked like to me but wanted to get second opinions. to double check. I actually thought about arming the bow torpedo along with the other four but not sure I want to cut up that beautiful laser cut bow. With the way the WWCC rules are set up the torps will have to be 1/4" above the waterline so installing them means literally drilling a hole in the balsa similar to a pump outlet
She did have a bow torpedo tube. You can clearly see the notch in the bow profile where it was located.