This is a beautiful job on a gorgeous ship. I have to ask Tuggy, though: If you were interested in this ship for its looks, but wanted to stay fast gun, why not build a Derff? Very similar appearance, identical gun layout, slightly smaller.
It's legal for Treaty and for Big Gun. Just keeping my options open, and I'm always building something (or more likely, a couple of somethings).
Plus how can you turn down one of Greg's laser cut ships? They are beautiful as are RCENGR's. Can only hope they continue to make them
RCENGR has his site with prices listed: Greg's Mac and L kits are not constant kits but if enough interest is expressed he has been willing to do another run before but with his current move and such I am not sure if that will be the case again anytime soon. assuming multiple orders the kit was around $100 ish but this could be different now. all in all these hulls from both gentlemen are, in my humble opinion, a steal at these prices due to the quality of them.
I won't be doing any kit runs till after tax day this year at the earliest. Between now and then I have 1FT, 1PT job and the PE exam to take, along with a 3yr old monster and another on the way. It is one full spring.
Greg you did a REALLY nice job on this kit. Its so nice I am kinda scared to work on it as my work looks like crud next to yours. The reason to build a Mac over a Derf is the Mac is only slightly longer but her displacement is enough to bump her up to class 5. This combined with twin rather than tandem rudders and casemates in the hull should make for a formidable battle cruiser. Unfortunately, despite having been launched she was never finished and so isn't legal for most fastgun clubs. If your club is willing to make an exception for a launched (non hypothetical) but never commissioned ship then Mac beats Derf, if not then yes build a Derf. Personally, I like the lines better on the Derf, but the Mac is a better ship.
I wouldn't worry too much on looks, considering my one last set of mack parts (earmarked for my own build someday) will still be in kit form a year from now.... (want to finish L first)...
No reason you can't begin to assemble the Mac's hull while you wait on items for the L. Thats anther reason I love these laser cut kits. You can litterally have the hull put together in a day or two.
I wish.. the item I am waiting on for the L is free time... which unfortunately is also needed for the M. I really really really want to get the angled rudders in and working... I've never gone so far as to get rudders properly angled before for those that were toed out...
The Mac will be a little bit as school, finding a job, the Bayern, the Hambone and some parts for Stephen are all higher up on the list. Will get to her eventually.
No I have not. I can't figure out how to do it But L is done except the SS and Mac is getting her paint done today and tomorrow.
One thing I did want to mention is t be very careful with the crows nest pieces #69 when cutting them out. the walls a re VERY thin and both of mine broke. I was able to glue them back together but just wanted to mention that for those of you yet to build.
Hey Nick here are some pictures of how the Mac and L sit today. (I finally decided to use photobucket) The Mac is basically done until cannons can be located, I will probably add some detail the the SS while I wait. The L aka Impero is essentially ready to go just need to make some tweaks to the cannons and as you can see she still needs a SS. enjoy!
I want one! Has anyone finished there build yet? If so more pictures would be awesome. In all seriousness, i would like to get on the list for the next run, if there is one to come. Kent