So working on my Baden, trying out where to put thing things when it comes to how Im going to mount my stuff. I dont have anything fancy I can use, so was thinking about using magnets and e6000. Right now I'm working on the esc/multi board and reciever. I have a small plate/box I was going to use, but not sure how I'm going to hold it all in. I have some 1/8 pvc sheeting that I was thinking I could e6000 the multiboard too, and then e6000 a magnet on the back. Then where I want to put it, just e6000 a magnet there. The pvc would hang over a little, so when removing I would have a bit to grab onto that isnt the board, as well as extra protection from bending (not that it should be happening though) Same with the ESC, except I wouldn't need the extra sheet The reciever I would also do the same, magnet on the back. However with the antennas, I just dont want them dangling. I was thinking also doing a small plate for them, and a magnet on the back. Have the antennas themselves zip tied on the plate. Anyways. I'm making a post because I was wondering if anyone has held stuff down with magnets and if they had experienced any interference with them.