Knocked out a few remaining things Sunday was a lot of soldering, escs battery leads, pump relays for other boats Glued in the battery holder, also two bolts to hold trim weights (washers) Epoxied the test switch guard and turret I used magnets for turret holding I fixed the solenoid issue and put the test switches in Battery in place Painted the bottom. Hopefully this doesn’t become this ships preferred battle position Weight was good, right on max. A few shots all together Still need to test CO2 system and guns, and sea trails.
The pump relays don't have fly-back diodes on them? Not that I can see them in the picture anyways. The band on the diode should face the + voltage. You relay needs it if your triggering it with a solid state device. Across the coil, your small wired connection. 1N4001 works fine.
I should have known that this boat couldn’t perform at the level of a real Tromp without a decent spray tan Did we ever find out how Steve found these things? And Steve, do you recommend one thick coat or multiple thin layers?
I thought only typist used that sunless tan stuff since they never do get out to battle in all the UV light and radiation with us.
I’m only allowed to work on warships when I’m all caught up on other stuff or the Boss gets up-ity. But, I’ve been a good boy lately so I got to lump the Baltimore; John C Butler; Tromp plus Turrets for Tirpitz and Florida into a mold tooling session with the new 42” Gas Cat.
Hopefully next week... God Willing and the Creek Don’t Rise... We have 2 sons with science fair projects hitting crunch time, so we have a wind tunnel muscling into some shop space. Plus our Daughter has Mock Trial Regional this weekend so we shall see.
Very nice Kevin! Colour me impressed! I have a question though, what class of ship is it? All those Allied boats look the same to me . Again, nice job. J
And I now get the pun in the thread title... But, I see the Tromp is a class 1 with 1 1/2 combat units. But I see 2 1/2 units in the build, 2 guns and a pump. Did the build rules change or am I just missing something? Thanks, J