May 28th Recap

Discussion in 'Pacific Model Warship Club' started by Gary Powell, May 28, 2016.

  1. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    F***; sinking sucks! Not me; but my daughters ship went down. She's been playing since she was 12 (now over 29) and this is the first time she has gone down. In the strangest set of circumstances, she was sent to the bottom, but it was not her fault. Good news for her is, dad gets to do the clean up. Ok; lets not dwell on the negative, so what about the good.
    My Daughters HMwMS Stockholm prior to sinking.

    We had a lot of ships show and we trashed each other all day long. No: we didn't have 54 factious member names on a sheet of paper; but we did have 12 captains show up with combat ships (not a convoy ship in the bunch) ready to do each other in. We were expecting 15, but what did show was great.

    Ok; you need to see this. One of our most senior combat captains had this "ram" damage hole put in his USS Gearing, and he didn't go down!!!

    Everyone had a great time and it could not have gone any smoother. WAIT; it could have. My radio crapped out first sortie, so I got to sit out most of the sorties. So I took pictures and was timekeeper, and kept the event rolling along, but I didn't get to play.

    Axis beware, the USS Mauryshall return (when the radio's working)!

    Upper left: DKM Campbelltown attacking the USS Edsall.
    Center right: HMNiMS Issac Swears (new Dutch ship for 2016) and DKM B-109 passing each other.
    Lower front: FN Le Hardi and HMwMS Stockholm.

    USS Gearing, being pursued by the RM Alpino (both new ships for 2016)

    Picture of the DKM ZH-2 (David K) and DKM Z-1 (John K.) , which are both new ships for 2016.

    So when was the last time you saw a polish ship in combat? David Webb's ORP Grom (second year ship).


    My "hanger queen" USS Maury (another new ship for 2016). Remember the crapped out radio!

    Did I say we had a lot of fun today!

    Attached Files:

    Argonaut and froggyfrenchman like this.
  2. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    IMG_3216.JPG O'kay, o'kay: I left one out. The Dutch Destroyer Issac Swears. Guess what, another new ship for 2016. Please note: we did get into a discussion regarding red, white and blue flags: versus, blue, white and red flags.

    Who can tell me which one is French and which is Dutch?
    Last edited: May 28, 2016
  3. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    Is sinking unusual in QO?
  4. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    Oh no, there are plenty of sinks. Not to the level of Fast Gun, but we do have them. In fact in the sortie that Erica ( my daughter) sank, there were three other ships that came very close. It was almost a comical race to get them all in within five minutes of the cease fire. All made it except for the Stockholm. On average we will have one or two sinks an event. That's with 12 to 15 ships running, an average of 4 to 5 sorts per day. I'm sure the other formats have far more sinks than we do, but I know we put as much or more damage in each ship. Our damage control in each ship is very good. Owing a lot to the scale of the ships and the extra space we have in them to control the flooding.
  5. Z Boat

    Z Boat Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2015
    Roseville California
    Also we do not use sinkable unarmed target boats or one hit and they sink someone or one hit and they themselves sink style of boats, lowering our number of sinks.
  6. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    While the USS Gearing survived the ram hole shown above, it wasn't so lucky in the next sortie.


    David Webb's ORP Blyskawica sails past the remains of the USS Gearing, floating above its sunken hull.