Didn't u guys shut down? If not, i want the rules to build my ship. I live in naperville, which is about 50 miles southwest of chicago Thanks P.S. Even if you did shut down, please may i have the rules. if you are going to start up agaiin, they will be the same, right?
I just saw that someone else was able to post the MBG rules in another thread in this area. That is great, because I couldn't find them. I also have not been able to contact cannonman, who lives in the Chicago area. Is anyone else still in contact with him? I am not even going to try to address the question about the MBG shutting down. But I can say that the MBG have had very few battles in the last three years. None last year as far as I know. I mentioned in another thread that there are folks out there with boats, and interest. Mikey
Hi Ironguns and others!! I'm sorry I've been a ghost lately, that darn real life thing interjecting again I'm still plugging away on my boats, slowly but surely. I dont live too far from Naperville, in the grand scheme of things. I'll post an update on my boats as soon as I make more progress!!