Midwest Naval Combat Club schedule

Discussion in 'Midwest Naval Combat Club' started by froggyfrenchman, May 12, 2012.

  1. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We are holding a club meeting this coming Saturday at noon at Gerry's shop.
    The address is 78 Old Main Street Miamisburg, Ohio 45342.

    We plan to discuss the purpose and goals of the club, pick up officers for the 2013 season, and possibly get the rules process started.

    There will no doubt be some building going on during the day as well.
    So bring any projects along so that we can get some photos and such.
  2. rcengr

    rcengr Vendor

    Feb 13, 2010
    2013 MNCC battles so far:
    Apr 20 & 21 - MNCC Anniversary Battle (Versailles OH)
    May 24 - 26 - MNCC Denmark Straights / Clash of the Titans Battle (Xenia OH)
    Jun 22 & 23 - MNCC Battle (Versailles OH)
    Aug 24 & 25 - MNCC Battle (Hinckley OH)
    Sep 27 - 29 MNCC Taskforce 2 (Xenia OH)
    Oct 26 & 27 MNCC Battle (Versailles OH)
  3. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Silly question for you guys, are you going with an existing ruleset, or starting another format?
  4. rcengr

    rcengr Vendor

    Feb 13, 2010
    We are using the national Battlestation's and Treaty rules. We will have local modifications that should be realitively minor.
    For Battlestations, the only rule change we made this year was to add high pressure air into the rules. It's a change that should be adopted by the national group anyway.
    We have two new Battlestations provisional/R&D/try-before-you-buy rules:
    - provision to arm carriers
    - allowance for undergunned main turrets to fire multiple shots
    When I get a chance to update the rules package, I'll post it here. In accordance with club by-laws, ships legal under Battlestations rules are always allowed to participate in our battles.
  5. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I like the high-pressure air inclusion; it should be no problem for anyone, I'd think. Carriers, I'm okay with but would want to hear what the proposed arming levels are.

    Undergunning a turret to get multiple shots... not so much; If one allows an increased ROF, it allows someone to walk rounds on target, albeit at a lower number of rounds per volley. If you mean, the guns fire multiple bearings per trigger pull, I don't like the disproportionate hole-size increase from the bearings hitting close together. One larger hole lets in more water than two smaller ones.
  6. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    The multiple shot is not going to be a type of spurt gun, think of it as split salvoing, single shots, but multiple firings within the ROF time IOT allow ships to be more cost effective in terms of arming mains. Will also allow some of the smaller ships to be armed without overly elaborate complicated systems, should let more participate in the format. Some of the larger destroyers, could arm a turret with a single fast gun style cannon instead of a dual BB rotating Big gun system, and fire quicker ROF, but the amount of total rds will remain the same. This is my interpretation, perhaps Mark could elaborate further/better.
  7. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    No, I understand the concept, we've been tossing it around for AoS (I don't want to buy 18 cannons for one ship). My concern has been (in both formats) is that it would allow one to walk their stream of fire onto the target. But last night, I thought on it and had an epiphany... well, it became clearer, anyhow. I mostly battle in fast gun, where one can fire as fast as they want. But you generally don't see people walking their fire onto the target, generally because it wastes ammo, which is in finite supply. If we put a limit on ammo (in Battlestations!, there's already one in AoS), that would tend to put a damper on the fire hose. I would be totally okay with that. But I would not want it applied to torpedo launchers.
  8. rcengr

    rcengr Vendor

    Feb 13, 2010
    The rule was limited to main turrets to preclude taking advantage of the rule for secondaries - it is intended only as aid to arm small ships and beginner ships. The amount of ammo expended will be the same regardless of the number of barrels you arm, so I see no need to have an ammo limit.
    Example: Two destroyers are battling, one with single gun in the aft turrent, one with a twin in the aft turret. Destroyer #1 takes two shots and waits 3 seconds. Destroyer #2 fires a pair of BBs and waits 3 seconds. Repeat. Rounds downrange are exactly the same.
    Funny that you don't like the concept for torpedoes - it's already in the rules: "a) A launcher that fires a single 'torpedo' at a time can fire one shot per second up to its basic ammunition capacity(whether using a single cannon to simulate multiple tubes, or using multiple single-shot tubes)"
    Here are the actual provisional rules:
    A. Main turrets that are not fully populated with working guns may fire multiple times to represent a full turret volley. Turrets with one gun may fire 2, 3, or 4 times without delay to represent dual, triple, and quad turrets respectively. Turrets with twin guns may fire twice to represent quad turrets. After a full volley, the captain must wait the prescribed delay time before firing again. Valid for the 2013 battling season.
    1. Carriers may arm 1/4" cannons in lieu of planes.
    2. The total number of allowable guns shall be determined by the standard displacement of the carrier:
    a) 6 guns
    b) 20,000+ tons 9 guns
    3. Guns barrels must be located below the flight deck.
    4. Rate of fire for 1/4" carrier guns shall be 8 seconds.
    5. Valid for the 2013 battling season.
  9. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We have a pretty good start on our schedule of events for the 2013 season.
    We have most of our key battles, and displays listed already.
    It is already posted on here.
    We will try to get more build-sessions posted shortly.
    Our next event is a swapmeet/display in Celina, Ohio this coming Sunday.
    Last year we got some events listed on short notice, and some folks where not able to work things out
    attend. We are hoping to get ahead of that sort of thing this year.
  10. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We have a big boat display planned for the swapmeet in Dayton this coming Saturday Feb 9.
    There is also a two-day build-session scheduled at Gerry's in Miamisburg, Ohio Feb 9-10.
    A build-session at Mark's in Beavercreek Feb 23. (this is also a club meeting).
    A build-session at Gerry's again on Feb 24.
    We plan to display the boats at a swapmeet in Ravenna, Ohio on March 3.
  11. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    The Midwest modelrama was today in Dayton.
    We had what was probably the best boat display that we have ever had in the area.
    Phil, Mark, Matt, Bob, and I were able to attend.
    Gene W. from the old MBG was able to drop in for a while as well.
    We had 6-7 tables, and probably around 20 boats, and Mark also had a lap-top with some warship combat videos playing.
    It was a packed house. It looked like all of the tables were sold out, and there was a very nice turn-out by the public as well.
    Phil had all of his German navy ships all painted up, and his Bearn aircraft-carrier had a flight-deck full of aircraft, also painted up.
    Mark had a grunch of his kits. Some assembled. And his French pre-dreadnaught.
    Matt brought his Michigan, and his big French battleship.
    Bob had his Emile Bertin, and Baltimore kit.
    I had the Alaska, Hawaii, Lutzow, Cavour, Alsace, Terrible, and an assembled kit for the HenryIV in Treaty, and the Strasbourg, Mogador, and the skeleton for the Surcouf for Battlestations.
    We chatted up the boats, cars, planes and such and had a great time.
  12. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We will be displaying the boats at the R/C swapmeet in Ravenna, Ohio on Sunday March 3.
  13. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We are also looking into displaying the boats at the R/C swapmeet in Fort Wayne on March 9.
  14. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    We have 4-days to the flea-market!! this one is going to be fun!
  15. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Getting ready to head up to Ravenna, Ohio to display the boats at the swapmeet.
    I will be riding up with Mark, and we anticipate meeting up with Roland, Nikki, and hopefully
    It's always a good day to display the boats and chat up the hobby.
  16. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Hey Guys
    what a great turn Out we had! I did manage to make it up, and we got there 45minutes in to the show! But in toe with me, was my Mom Janet, My sister heather
    and My step-brother Scott!!! there was a little smack talking going on and it was out of me, So I'm looking forward to getting on the water this year!!
  17. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    A very good event indeed. And lots of fun.
    Roland showed up first and grabbed our tables. We were in a nice location.
    Mark and I arrived and set up our boats. Nikki (and family) showed up.
    And Chris A. dropped in as well.
    We only had two tables reserved, and they were full.
    The event was a sellout, and there was a healthy public turnout as well.
    Another great event chatting up the boats.
    Well done! I look forward to the next one.
    I didn't talk any smack myself. But I did take notes.
  18. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We are indeed planning to display the boats at the R/C swapmeet in Fort Wayne, Indiana this coming Saturday. March 9.

    Matt is planning to host a two-day build-session in Miamisburg, Ohio on March 30-31.
  19. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We have decided to make our Memorial Day (Denmark Straits) event a 4-day battle. May 24-27.
    We will have the Denmark Straits battle at some point on Friday May 24th which is the date that the actual battle took place.
    And we will have the Bismarck's last stand battle at some point on Monday May 27th, which is the date that the Bismarck was sunk.
    We could possibly do these two battles on Saturday and Sunday as well. But we are anticipating that we will have both Treaty and Battlestations
    battles during the weekend. So we will have to see how the event comes together on Saturday and Sunday.
  20. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    We are planning to have our first Clash of the Titans event on the 4th of July weekend in the Dayton area.
    It looks like some of the folks will have a long weekend due to the holiday, so we will figure out what the actual battle dates are as we put together our database.
    We anticipate both Treaty and Battlestations battles, so we will see what date or dates work best for the actual Titans battles during the event.