Folks I just wanted to take the time to post my many thanks to all that made the spring regional event such a wonderful experience. It was great seeing everyone again, and some ships that we haven't seen in a while, and one or two brand new boats, and just as importantly, a couple that are still under construction. A couple of the locals were only able to drop in for a short time, but I have always felt that it isn't how long you can stay that matters. It is about being able to pal around with the boat folks and chat up the boats. See what everyone is running, or building, and share in the festivities. A few of the local wives brought the rest of the families out for a while, which is always enjoyable. Karen brought Vance and Marina out on Saturday afternoon for a while, but they were heading off to see some friends, so Vance let someone else run the boat. He plans to make the next event and battle. I had more than one captain approach me and say that this was the most fun event they had ever attended. So me and my family had a wonderful time. I might be able to say that it was one of the most fun events that I have ever attended as well. A special thanks to Tom and Sue for allowing us to battle at their place again. To the local folks that helped put on the event. Mark and Matt and his family in particular for hosting, and directing. To Bat and perhaps others that helped get the boats ready, but were unable to attend the event. To Roland, Jeff, Kevin, and Carl for making the trip out so that we could spend some quality time. This was the second local event that I was able to attend this year where I wasn't needed to host of direct, and that others are stepping up to the plate to take on this responsibilty has allowed me to spend more time helping others with any problems that come up with their boats during the events. To be honest. I am not sure that I am all that good at helping others with their boat, but it is a part of the hobby that I really enjoy. And last, but not least, to my family. Karen, Marina, and Vance for allowing me to put the time and effort into building the boats, and attending the events. It was a truly wonderful time, and I look forward to our next chance to build, battle, or even just chat up the boats. Mikey
The MNCC held it's spring regional event this past weekend in Xenia, Ohio. I think WOW pretty much covers the Xenia event best in this case. It was a great weekend with four days of battling without a single drop of rain. The weather was great. We had a great turn-out during the event, with a lot of folks being able to drop in on different days. We saw some new boats enter into the combat for the first time. The new Russian battlecruiser saw it's first combat on Friday, and the two bow turrets rotated together to cover both sides, which was way cool. We had four aircraft-carriers on the water at one point. Three were convoy-ships. We had convoy runs. We had the Battle of the Denmark Straits, which the British won. We had the Bismarck's last stand, which the British also won. Most of the locals were there. Most of the not-so-local folks were there. We had some new folks drop in. Some of the folks had their families tag along so that they could see our hobby. Some took up a radio and took part in the battles for the first time. It was indeed a great event. I think we will have a hard time topping this one. This event is probably the best event that I have ever attended. The effort that all of the folks put into it is what makes an event great. So I definately want to take the time to thank everyone for a job well-done. All of the locals for their help in setting the event up, and making things run smoothly. Everyone that attended, or supported the event. We got to spend some quality time with our old friends, enjoying the boats. We made some new friends. We got more of the kids involved. We made some wonderful memories that we can all share for years to come. I look forward to doing it again. Thanks to all that made this event all that it could be. We will try to post some battle reports in the near future. Mikey
Three-day Spring regionals event. May 24-26 at the Xenia, Ohio battle site. Denmark Straits re-enactment. Both Treaty and Battlestations battles. Address is.. 1880 Turner Rd Xenia, Ohio 45385 This will be our Battle of the Denmark Straits event. Both Battlestations and Treaty formats will be present, and they will take turns fighting sortie-style battles. The first format to get ready will get to battle first, and we will try to get at least two battles in per format each day. As this event is our Denmark Straits event, the Treaty folks will re-enact the battle between the Hood, Prince of Wales, and the Bismarck, and Prinz Eugen at some point on Saturday May 24. In addition, we may also re-enact the Bismarck's last battle at some point on Sunday, or Monday. Matt will be C.D. for the event. Mark will be directing the Battlestations battles. Mikey will be directing the Treaty battles. There will be a 10.00 per day entree-fee to cover food, and CO2. In addition. We have received permission from the site owner to invite the R/C tank folks out to the event to put on some tank battles, and also the R/C airplane combat folks. Both the streamers, and the foamies. The first battles will start at 10am on all three days.
Our Denmark Straits event is this weekend in Xenia, Ohio. We are battling Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Weather forecast looks great. First battle starts at 10am on all three days. We will post up-dates. Mikey
Lots of great fun battling yesterday. Some teething problems with some of the ships. But we had a great time with great weather. We got some work done to the gremlins last night, and we are heading back out to try it again. Will post up-dates. Mikey
Up-date. On Saturday, we only got one sortie in for the Denmark Straits battle. The two German ships were experiencing issues. So even though there was no clear winner, we just decided to turn the boats around and try to get them all into some of the regular fleet battles. We had several battles, although some were only one sortie early on, as folks showed up, and we got boat issues fixed. We had one convoy ship, and played some convoy football. That is always great fun. Someone said the British won the convoy football. But I am not sure. I think the teams were to some extent British against the world. With the U.S. fleet having a pretty good fleet in attendance as well. On Sunday, we were able to get the Bismarck back into the fleet battles in the afternoon. I think we played convoy football again. And it seemed like the convoy ship may have sank again. In the last battle a good portion of the British fleet ganged up on the USS Arizona, and she sank with less than 30 seconds remaining on her 5. So it seems like the British won again. I will let someone else do the battle reports, as I was not able to take notes. The weather was fantastic, and we a lot of battles. Gotta go try to get sunk today. We will post up-dates. Mikey
Matt, She Sank her the first time, then I wised up a little bit.. That was still fun tho!!! at least i didn't have to go swimming for her! Niki
Monday we had a lighter turnout. Folks were mainly tied up with family holiday stuff. And Vance was just simply worn out. But those of us that were there were able to get the boats on the water, and have two fleet battles. Nikki wanted to run the Bismarck, so we got her out on the water early on, so that she could get some stick-time in the big German, driving around and shooting the cannons. The pump was an auto-turn-on. Chris had the Arizona, and was looking for a little pay-back for getting sunk on Sunday. Mark had his trusty Roanoke. Roland was running the Cavour. And I went with my favorite. The Mighty Hood. In the first sortie sortie the Arizona and Hood seemed to take the brunt of the damage, although everyone was pumping to some degree. Then at one point the Arizona was seen to be low in the water, and not pumping. But Chris had not turned his pump on. So the pump was turned on, and the battle was revolved around the Arizona for some time until he got pumped out. At the end of the first sortie, everyone was pumping pretty good, but still very much in the battle. In the second sortie, the U.S. ships seemed to be focusing on the Cavour, and when I took the hood into the cove to help my teammate, the big British battlecruiser took some nasty damage, and by the time I decided to try to break out of the close quarters battle, I had taken enough damage to put the Hood's survival in question. The entire opposing team then took up the chase, and as I couldn't run, I had to stand and fight. There was no need to even call my five minutes, as the Hood was certainly not going to last that long, and she still had some ammo in the side-mounts. So the Hood stood her ground, and went down with her guns shooting right up to the point when she slid beneath the waves. No other ships sank, so it was a win for the U.S., and Germans. Gotta run for now. More later. Mikey
Mikey, How do u do the auto turn on for the pump? In still trying to thing of how I went to do the pump in the carrier.. Nikki
British (home) Fleet Sank Arizona class 5 =900pts Sank Golo Everyone else Fleet(Yank/Hun/Italian-sausage) Sank Hood class 6=1000pts 1 complete Convoy sortie=100pts Looks like a tie for the season opener, we had some rams early on, but apparently the only ones causing damaged where from Friendly(?) Rams.
Hood rammed the Roanoke on Monday and punched a hole in her for a penalty. It looks like I may need to install a beeper on the olg girl for when I am backing up. Oh well! Mikey