If you buy it and bring it to a build session, let me know in advance so I can set up the table outside with an awning so that there's work space!
Man, I am still wrestling with a decision on this. Not sure if it will fit in the berth in the rig. Need to do some measuring. Also there is the fact that I have two ships I need to finish outfitting at the moment. Someone needs to buy this before I lose my mind.
I'm right there with you if by some miricle it's still here when we get back from our little vacation over seas in 7 months i will have no choice but to take off his hands lol (but I doubt it will still be here)
I should probably buy it since I already have 90% of all the longest hulls for ships you can build for the hobby (not including carriers)....
Hey matt, If I wasn't worried about getting my butt thown in the water for getting this boat I would in a heartbeat
If a representative of a group for example WWCC, MWC regional groups, IE NOT an individual wishes to contact me about acquiring the kit for their organization and pays the shipping they can have the montana kit.
Keep in mind that Montana is not a legal battling boat in the IRC, since she was never commissioned. Local battles would probably allow you to run it, but none of the "sanctioned" regional or national events. Since you're just getting into the hobby, I'd strongly recommend you start w/ boats that can be used at any event or in any format (like your Scharney).
That's what the Scharnie is for. But I was looking at the Montana for treaty. Opening up the Midwest events to me. But I still have to see if it will fit in the berth of the rig. Lol.