All I feel like we have a good thing going with these multi-format events. Not only do I think that it is good for our club, but it also gives those around us in other clubs a chance to battle their boats more often, and hang out with fellow R/C combat folks. It also gives us the opportunity to pick up on some of the other technologies that the other clubs use. At least from a Treaty stand point, I plan to schedule pretty much all of the Treaty events as multi-format, with the possible exception of our Nats event, so that we can do our rules stuff. I will be contacting all of the other regional clubs, and trying to make sure that schedules do not conflict. This year we shared the waters with ships from the BBS, and some of the big-gun clubs. In 2008, I hope to include the L.E.A.G., the Battlestations group (96th scale version of big-gun), and I will also look into having an event with the MWC, and IRCWCC. I will keep you all posted. Mikey
All I am contacting all r/c combatants to discuss multi-format events with the Treaty group. I am not sure who you all are, or where you all are, but I don't want to leave anyone out. We are basically looking to invite other formats to battle between our sorties. Depending on where you are, we might be able to get a small contingient to attend your events. Mikey
Frog.... do you read me.......? Je suis Français ...personne n'est parfait hein ?[] Je suis intéressé par cette activité,mais l'anglais n'étant pas ma langue maternelle ( bien que je me débrouille pas mal ) , je cherche un correspondant parlant français pour m'aider à lancer cette discipline en Bretagne [8D]
I don't know it that well, but I can usually communicate via text decently on it (no point in trying to speak it, i butcher it) ... but it's been 4 years since my last French lessons, with Spanish, Italian, and German since .... so I might mess up. "I am interested in this activity, but English is not my mother tongue (although I *something* myself not poorly [rough translation]), I am looking for a correspondent speaking French to help me to launch this discipline in Brittany." Clavier, Désolé, comme mon français n'est pas très bien. Cependant, si vous ne pouvez pas trouver que qui parle le français vous aider, je serais plus qu'heureux d'aider - n'importe quoi étaler notre passe-temps ! Me permettre de savoir si je peux être de service à vous. J'espère que j'aie écrit que l'hors droite - je m'excuse d'abattre votre langue ! Je suis désolé !
Thanks Klibben for answer.. "Désolé" suits as well as "Je regrette" It's very funny for me to read that you are sorry to " shoot down "my language" , we use this word for a plane or a tree.....[] the right verb would have been "massacrer" Anyway my english is not perfect so I am always a bit ashamed to make faults ....don't hesitate to tell me -my purpose is to improve - Just be advised I am able to understand most of your posts... My intention is to built one Big gun and to find comrades in a club to play with. in fact I need someone able to answer our questions when I will post on your forum, of course if it was a french speaking sailor It would be more easy for understanding.[8D] BTW I use Teamspeak also
I have my big French-English dictionary that I use when reading the French Navy plans. It has most of the words, even if my conjugation is bad What ship do you want to build?
Clavier, If the ship you want to build happens to be the French light cruiser Emilé Bertin, there's a few of us working on developing a design suitable for first-time builders. You can follow the progress in the Rookie Ship Design Project under the General section of the forum.
I have no idea right now for i'm still discovering this hobby by reading the whole forum......[B)] I first have to see If some people of my new naval modellers club are interested If I can convinced some of them to join me, we are going to follow your example for I prefer to rely on experience It seems that an attempt to introduce this hobby took place in France two years before without succes , I would like to try again The problem seems to be: how to deal with guns .... Could we find the solution here or should we import stuff from the States ? Now I'm going to read posts for rookies.....
If you have plumbing stores in France, you can make the 'guns' Or if you like, buying them costs more, but is easier. Also, the Euro is strong compared to the US dollar, which is good for you.
Shipping and Customs might get ya at the border tho (in terms of price, so it might be ALOT cheaper to build your own). Big Gun takes ALOT of guns, so I'd definitely consider building your own - but you may want to buy one or two to tear apart and figure out for sure how they work. Does anyone know if any other Euro clubs exist? I thought a few years ago there was an English group? If so, I would recommend building in whatever format they battle in - that way they can help you if you need it, and you could always hold a Euro-wide invitation battle. * About the shoot down part, I meant "butcher" but didn't know the French translation so I did an online translation of it and it gave me the French of "shoot down" - I knew it was wrong but figured you'd understand!
clavier35 Sorry about not getting back to you. I must have overlooked your post. I build mostly French ships, and have a lot of books on the French navy, but I do not speak French. I can just barely get by when reading some of my books that are in French, as I understand only a few words, and sort of fill in the rest. So I won't be much help in regards to, but I can help out with some other stuff like helping find plans, books, cannons, hulls, and such. As you have already seen. There are a lot of folks on the forums that are more than willing to help out, any way they can. Mikey
Je peut comprendre un petit peut, mais mon Francais est tres Mauvais. Tu es en Bretange en France n'est pas? C'est magnafique que Il y'a persons partout le monde qui joue avec les petite bateau du guerre. Vraiment je pense que google translate fait plus bien mon phrase... mais je suis vraiment foux et alors je fait mon effort... Maintenant je suis mal au tete, parceque je suis vraiment mauvais .... Je parlez le Francais comme un Vache Espaniole.... JOE
Hiya Joe. Although many of these old threads are informative, sometimes it is better to start a new thread than resurrect one from 6 years ago. Heh.