If you really want to start a fight on-line????? you could say that captains that are bad shots do not need more BBs but more pumps since they miss anyway lol lol lol lol
Maxspin is right. This is actually an Axis conspiracy. Keep drinking the fluoridated water. We control everything, including you thoughts. Axis BOOGEYMAN
Top Axis Conspiracies 1. Elvis is not Dead.. .he is living in the Dallas Area and has a dental practice in Richardson 2. The moon landing was faked. It was filmed in Fluegal's garage with the help of the entire Axis Fleet 3. Fluegal was the gunman on the grassy knoll. 4. Wade is the Zodiac Killer 5. There was nothing wrong with Red M&M's back in the 70;s ... The Axis horded them all for themselves 6. Elon Musk of Tesla proposed the battery rule.... 7. Dirty Dave was the real actor in the Darth Vader suit
I am not a stats weenie... I just want to know how you got to be the expert when, as far as I know, you have never used 2 pumps or even attended a battle where 2 pumps ships were being used. For you to be so fixed in your position on this you must surely have some experience in the matter.. otherwise why would you care what people do at other locations and battles which you most likely will never be a part of? And as so many people keep making grandiose claims about what does and doesn't work.. I would like to know how they get their information. I provided my research.. I built a ship and battled it with 2 pumps since March of 2012. See ya J
I was referring to the encompassing statement that Allied ships only have a few ships that can use it which is baloney in my opinion.. Just because you don't want to give up a gun it doesn't mean you can't mount or use 2 pumps. For the most part the Allied and Axis ships we see at Nats are very specific NC, Wee Vee, QE, SD, Vanguard, Iron Duke, and others. The NC could mount two pumps at the expense of a bow side-mount however since most NC ships I have encountered need 50-80 shots below the waterline to sink.. why bother with two pumps. The Wee Vee and QE can duplicate the setup in the Baden (which is a 15deg bow gun in the B turret, haymaker in C turret, and side-mount in D turret. As far as single turret stern ships... that is the choice the builder makes.. they must live with the deficiencies... If a Nagato mounts 2 pumps... then it can't mout triple sterns.. and the NC can't mount dual stern sidemounts.
My opinion on this is 2 pumps do sink . Means they have less gunfire in return which means you can pummel them more and score more damaging hits, more patching for them. They may have a stronger defense but battery power is limited and space internally is limited in the hull for placement. I ALWAYS prefer to go with the offensive option. And extra cannon is always a good deterrent to an extra pump. No need for a rule change to limit only to one pump. Some ships have become very adept at utilizing 2 pumps and become very effective offensively as well. That would also suggest that a rotating gun is there to offset the missing gun unit and undefended quadrant but not always as some ships do not utilize a rotate and leave guns fixed. Smaller battles may take a little longer to take down a ship but not impossible. There are Pros and Cons to using more pumps then guns however Ship Reliability, in this case working pumps and systems for the pumps and how they are placed in the ship also factor. Fighting style of the Captain also determines the number of units to put aboard a ship.