Greetings all, just wanted to let everyone here know that Nats 2013 will be back in Houston, TX at the H&H Ranch! This is one of the premier locations and has hosted several events over the years. Johnny did a great job hosting in 2010, and I look forward to being back at this great place to battle! Tentative dates are July 15-19, I'm sure once those (or any other) dates are confirmed there will be another announcement. Until then, prepare for humidity, heat, and awesome battling!
jadfer, I need to try and see if my mom and I take a week off so we can come hang out with everyone Nikki
Ya, But I"m not sure if you guys take the NAMBA Insurance But If i am able to come it would be To hang out with you all, I've talk to Chris Au and His wonderful crazy Brother Dave, for about 2.5hours one night!!! Nikki
It is a sanctioned MWCI battle, so you'd have to join up. We do have our own insurance which covers the event underwritten specifically for the club. I am not sure if the 1-time first time event membership can be used for nats, but it is only $15 and you get a discount if you get a full membership the same year.