I know I can make them but I figured my time was worth more than the cost on those ones b.c. sells. The prices aren't bad it just adds up fast. Decided to go ahead and try to get the stuff ordered as it's not going to be good having more unfinished projects. The rest of the wood for the bass boat won't be able to be purchased this month so no point wasting money on that now. Called b.c. and left a msg. They will help me out if they can I'm sure.
Where is a good source for the bushings and shafts? I have 5/32 shafts in it now. So go to 1/8 shafts leaves almost no space for a bushing.
Dremel work underway. Working on this between rainstorms as it won't be dry enough long enough to paint the pontoon parts till the weekend.
As much as I hate taking backwards steps, in this case it was absolutely necessary. Hopefully I got it rite and this will prevent Ming the Merciless and I having to do the rule dance if I ever get to attend a nats lol.
All major components are back in. Now I need to refit the interior armor and clean all the guns so I can reinstall them. Then I will just need the new bottle. Other two batteries are supposed to be here today. On to sheeting and painting. Lol. Had to replace the servo extension for the pump as well as the one for the rudder. Rudder needed a connector to ease pond side replacement. Pump extension had corrosion. Hope to be able to have a sea trial this weekend on Scharnhorst then get back to Gneisenau.
Batteries are here. However they have changed the cases just enough to make some Dremel work be required. Lol. New ones are about 1/8th inch longer.
Question sir, For the Gneisenau will they allow the planned upgrade to the 15 inch version or just the 3x3 11 inch version. Both Schar and Gneis are 5.5 unit ships, is it allowed a side mount in bruno turret. Nice refit.
Both are the same as far as the rules are concerned in IRCWCC. That all get BB guns and you can do sidemounts on both ships. I am setting up these two ships completely different from each other. Scharnhorst will have the center prop powered by two motors geared to the single shaft while Gneisenau will have the outer shafts powered by independent geared motors. Scharnhorst will have strait rudders while Gneisenau has them angled. Scharnhorst will run solenoids with twin stern guns, a sidemount in Bruno that's rotates to cover two different quadrants and a bow gun off to the side at the max allowed 15° angle so as to clear the deck without being above horizontal. Gneisenau will be running all popits with a triple Stern set and a single sidemount on a rotate up front. Not sure how long before I make the sidemounts rotation operate from the radio, currently have it set up to be positioned as needed by hand prior to a sortie depending on how I need it.
To more directly answer the first question. If it wasn't done and used during the war it generally doesn't have a place in the current rules sets. The only exception I know of is treaty rules. Like fast gun but slower and more laid back. They allow hypotheticals. Like the never installed 15" guns on the above ships, or the USS Montana class bb's that were never laid down. Or the German k class bb's. Basically it all depends on what rules your building to.
Got all she sheeting set up in the bathroom/model storage area lol. All 4 are now drying and I ain't gotta smell em. Lol
Going to need a second application of polyurethane in a few spots as there are loose spots. I was attempting to use as little as possible so as not to overly add strength to anything. Guess I went to lite lol. Based on this observation I don't see where the balsa will be in any danger of failing a penetration test. We shall see. Plan to do one on these skins later just to see.
Interesting, hope it works out for you. I’ve never seen polyurethane used, I recall someone mentioning brittleness, which would be my main concern. Typical compounds used to attach silkspan to balsa are: Lacquer Nitrate dope (should thin) Super 77 (very fast) Contact cement thinned with MEK
Spray balsa 1-2 pass, lay down silkspan, use an old credit card (or similar) to smooth out the silkspan (I start in middle and quickly move outwards)