News I s slow on my end. I am wrapping up all the mounts for electronics and pouring the Water channeling soon. That means skinning will come in the next weeks.
Well All electronic mounts now in. So I started pouring the Water Channel two days ago. Got the stern pourd so far and now have the bow poured a few minuets ago. I guess I will have to have a few pictures done soon for you guys so you can see her a bit.
Well Gettng very close to NATs and The KronPrinz is about done. I am down to paint and ittybitty things for now. I am amazed at how close to max weight I am on her. The massive two nich prop... Well as you can see she is far from perfect for now, but definatly sea worthy so far.
Technically they have the same casemate issues as the Baden/Bayen. It's a stupid rule on these ships.