NABS (Nova Scotia) Revival?

Discussion in 'North Atlantic Battle Squadron' started by Bob Pottle, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Almost two years ago John C., Paul M. and I got together and talked about reviving NATS in 2014. Unfortunately nothing happened, in large part due to people's work committments.

    I'm trying to revive NABS (NS) again. So far this year there are three interested people with RC warship combat experience: Steve Hill, Ralph Coles and me.

    Jason C. and Paul M. were both still interested last year and each had at least two battle-ready models. With Minotaur being sold soon I have only HMS Gorgon in battle-ready condition but am refitting Canarias and Suffolk this fall and building Indefatigable for the spring. Ralph will be building the Seydlitz and Steve has the battle-ready HMCS Ontario I rebuilt for him and a partly completed HMS Vanguard.

    I've offered to help Steve complete the Vanguard and Ralph and I will work on our battlecruisers together over the winter. Hopefully the other three NABS members still in the area will get involved in RC warship combat again. Everyone left in the area gets along well; it's been suggested that the club remain small, informal, and focused on having fun.
  2. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Further news from Steve is that he's too busy with self-employed work to become active in the hobby before 2016. His preference is to see NABS re-established as a small "gentleman's club". There's no doubt it'll be small!

    Re the NABS club equipment Brechin Piper has told me that some of it, including the large CO2 tank and fill station, was in storage at his parent's home until John Coffill retrieved it. It's likely the equipment is in storage at John's and/or Paul's place.
  3. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    I have 2 boats ready to go.I might have a 3rd ready for next year.
  4. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Hi Paul,
    That's great news. That means there will be at least 3 of us with battle ready ships for 2016. Will you be attending NATS next year? Ralph and I may go.
    SteveT44 likes this.
  5. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    I think it will depend on where they hold NATS this year. Once the vote isover I will see what the options are like to go to NATS.
  6. absolutek

    absolutek -->> C T D <<--

    Sep 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    I believe it is between PA or TX.
  7. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    TX is too far away but PA is doable allowing 2 days to drive there.
  8. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    Your drive to Houston would be only 2 hours longer than mine according to Google. 37 vs 35 hours. Not that I'd be eager to drive either distance.
  9. absolutek

    absolutek -->> C T D <<--

    Sep 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    The fleet admiral (wife) has professed a preference for going to TX next year. Though it would be nice to go to an event where if people ask me if I know Bob & Ralph (because Canada is a small country right?) I can just point to their tables.
  10. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    I generally assumed that in the 9 month long winters all you canadians huddled in one longhouse for warmth and protection from marauding polar bears. Is this wrong?
    rcaircraftnut likes this.
  11. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Polar bears tend to rampage rather than maraude :D;)
    rcaircraftnut and NickMyers like this.
  12. absolutek

    absolutek -->> C T D <<--

    Sep 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    I thought they played winter sports and drank Coke, or did the TV lie to me?
    rcaircraftnut and CURT like this.
  13. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Reminds me of camping as a kid at Lake Sebago, Maine (a 3 hour drive from home in New Brunswick) and being asked if we lived in igloos or had TV!
  14. john coffill

    john coffill New Member

    Oct 25, 2015
    nova scotia
    Guys: Been away for awhile, but still have ships and now time to get back to a hobby. I still have a Z model and am still going ahead with Mississippi. just need the reg and guns and its ready for combat. It would be good to be back at the pond again
    CURT likes this.
  15. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Hi John, good to hear from you! Three of us hope to resume battling in the spring; it'll be great to have you as a fourth captain.

    Paul has 2-3 battle ready ships. Ralph has started to build the Seydlitz - we marked the hull for cutting out the 'windows' two weeks ago and I just ordered a bilge pump for him.

    I bought heavy cruisers Canarias and Cumberland back and will be refitting both over the winter. Also building Russian CL Profintern and battlecruiser Indefatigable., and have two ships that only need new main batteries (HMS Gorgon and Minotaur).

    Our biggest problem will be finding a battle site. Maybe you could work your magic on the city parks people and get us a permit to use our old site.
  16. john coffill

    john coffill New Member

    Oct 25, 2015
    nova scotia
    Bob: Iwill ty again to get the permit for the site but talking to them they will not be issuing any new permits until May 2016, then its first come first serve and 30days per permit.
    I have the miss marked and ready for cutting this weekendand a strike order ready to place. Mississippi will be the boat i will be using as the biz was built as a runner and not cut out, besides the miss is a bit easier to handle. The offer for the meeting space in Burnside is still open and the workshop is nothing fancy but it has space and tools ready to use.
    I hae a guy down the road from me who trains hunting dogs and has build a 250 x 150 pond in this back yard that is at most 3 feet deep i'll have a talk with him and see if nothing else we can use it ass a back up site, just means a drive to lake lands by mt uniacke. other than that its building as usual and strange to have only the one ship to work on.
  17. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Seems like the permit process has changed a lot since 2008. So there would be monthly fees on a first come first serve basis? There wouldn't be any point in trying to obtain one unless we were certain we'd be battling in a particular month.

    The pond would be great if the guy is willing to let us use it. I have no problem drivng to Mt. Uniacke for a battle. I think we can still do speed testing and non-firing maneuvers at Lake Banook or Sullivan's Pond.

    Kim and I looked at a house on Herring Cove Rd. last night with a huge, level front yard. She said she wouldn't want to mow it so I suggested a 'water feature' (i.e. a 100' x 40' pond a couple of feet deep). Unfortunately the house had some foundation issues so we didn't buy it. I'm still looking for a property large enough to accomodate a battle pond.
  18. john coffill

    john coffill New Member

    Oct 25, 2015
    nova scotia
    Mississippi is being built.. Hull cut out today and the shafts are in. This is such a tiny little boat it should be a quick build. I will be placing a bc order on Tue. for all parts needed as most of my stuff is now gone.
    It felt good to be cutting glass again.
  19. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    I mentioned to Paul Mckinnion that I would be interested in going to NS for battling say like a Can-Nats. For Nats Paul and I looking at going in 2017. Course depends on where it is. I would bring a VU for battling and a runner for cruising around.
  20. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Hi Curt,
    I plan to attend NATS in 2017; hopefully in 2016 too but I'll be transitioning to part-time work in July so am not sure.

    I'm helping Ralph build SMS Seydlitz and should have it at the same stage of construction as HMS Indefatigable in 2-3 weeks (hull cut-out, rudders installed). By then the rest of the drive train should have arrived from the UK and I can resume work on Indefatigable. I expect both battlecruisers to be finished by May.

    By spring John, Paul, Ralph and I should all have 1 or more completed combat models each. If we can organize a Can-Nats in 2016 it would be great to battle with you again. We don't have a confirmed battle site yet; John's looking into that as he has the connections. Any chance of a battle in Nfld.? I'll be off work for most of the summer and can travel.