Rudder placement I built my rudders 1.75” high to cover the height of my prop. They are placed as close to the hull as possible to capture maximum prop thrust. Math says Unit 4 ship = 2.5” total rudder x 1.5 for dual rudder = 3.75 total divided by 2 = 1.875” per rudder. 1.875” / 1.75” = 1.071 My rudders measure 1.75 x 1.071” or as close as I can get them. I place my rudders as close to the prop as I can & spaced apart so they will barley touch when all the way over. This is where the Single drive dual rudder gives the advantage. You simply can not completely cover dual props. Running duals on the same ships would mean going with 1.5” props that would give a spread of 3.1” instead of 1.75”. BIG difference.
Water Channel My water channel is only ¼” deep, but you remember that all the balsa blocks that filled in the ribs are also sloped in toward the water channel. This will help keep the water where it belongs limiting heeling over as it takes on water. I learned that the water channeling is much more limited on a wood boat. I will show what I am doing. This is a thought process that started with my Barham build, and continues here. I started with building in extra channel to add lead if/as required. To do it again I would simply expand the larger size water channel out the additional rib
The torque on that motor will bend that mounting plate. I would make it either thicker or buck it up with Aluminum, This way no Flexie Flexie.