Thanks for asking: That would be plenty. As a recommendation, I like 6-7 feet. I have seen boats on the bottom, from the surface (clear lake) Also with the gazebo we get a good topside view. with 6-7 feet your line and float might not tangle -up your team mates. Small ships could use nylon THREAD (or fly line) wrapped around a smoke stack with a small piece of styrofoam. I like BATTLING and I like DIVING -------- I try not to do TOOOO much in one day
I used the high tech solution of sticking a fishing bobber in my mast and tied it to my stack. You absolutely 1000% will want a float of some kind…
Looks good. With this idea you can test sink that piece of superstructure to confirm deployment Remember, nylon string absorbs water, lose bouyancy. FYI
Just as an FYI: Dacron/Polyester ropes do not absorb as much water. They have good strength, and are used in mountain climbing for that reason It is expensive, but no climber wants a rope that absorbs water and then freezes.
I have suggested fly line before, it was for a convoy boat. One problem with fly line is that it has some memory. I use it some times. When I am on a lake were I do not know the depth ( NC / Tennessee) I use nylon on a spool. I can carry a lot of line and it does not interfere with my boat operation. This of course is for larger floats. Smaller boats I use nylon thread.
On Tuesday night at the Midway Hotel we will be having our first annual* swap meet. More details to come as we get closer to the week. But in short, bring anything (parts, batteries, hulls, stickers, tools, etc) you'd like to trade or sell. This will be a social event you can can tell your wife all about, "Dear I finally got rid of that stuff." But its up to you how you sneak the stuff you got in trade into the shop. IRCWCC is not involved in the transactions at all. There are no fees. Every trade or purchase is solely decided by the parties in the transaction. *I have no idea if this is a first, this is my first full battle season haha. But this is a Nats CD approved activity.
Weird way to say "Tuesday night at the midway hotel we'll be hosting an 'everything is broken and 5 people are frantically rebuilding a boat' party"
Cross posted from the IRCWCC discord + the IRCWCC email list: How many would be interested in a raffle @ NATs? I am prepared to raffle off one of the two following items to help spread the idea of the 3d printed plastic boats to new, un-plastified, captains. Item A: a complete, ran for 2 campaigns, USS Wasp CV-7, including radio. Item B: A complete HMS Invincible kit, minus all electronics/pneumatics/etc. Hull, deck, props, rudders, shafts, superstructure, turrets, barbettes, hardware to assemble included. Raffle tickets would be $10 each. I need to sell 20 tickets for it to not be a total loss (even at 20 I'm losing $) so get your friends involved if you'd like this to be a thing. Let me know if you're interested so I can prepare accordingly.
I only have Sizes for 13 Nats Enrollees, T shirts will be ordered on Tuesday 6/13. If you want a shirt u need to sign up ASAP or you wont be on the order. Thanks!