For the out-of-towners on here... Other than: a 3" scrollsaw, blowtorch and solder, and a power drill... are there any tools too big to fly with that you'd like me to bring to Nats?? Within reason! The drill press and bandsaw are staying at home!
If you have an extra smart charger for NimH batteries, I could always use an extra And if you have more than one dremel too...never know when you need to grind something down!
Pete D's van pooped out on him, so I can't drive my Sonata Hybrid But carpooling in my pickup means that I can bring a large project with me to play with Allies are outnumbered in my region so I can do it without too much weeping My back has been improving and I want to run a big'un while I can still lift it. here's your hint:
Clark, No more NEW boats! This includes "partial" boats. Perfect your Scharnie and then leave it alone for local battles. If you think you have a problem, just read your sig.
Scharnie is perfected and I am not stripping anything of parts these days. Nice to have ready-to-battle ships. The Wisconsin hull is not a new purchase and is included in the number in my sig line... It's been hanging around for like 2 years now, Ralph Coles hull that I already put a pair of nice stuffing tubes and driveshafts in. Not cut yet, tho. Working on it will make me feel better about not driving my Sonata (snif, snif, no XM radio and no cruise control in the pickup! ) PS- I did find a buyer for my Baden, even before it got posted. Crazy cool. So actually, this is one LESS hull in my shop