Hello all, As mentioned in the introduction forum, I'm just starting in the hobby and will be building up a lovely little British treaty cruiser (HMS Kent) for my first project. I'd like to get some advice on what type of basic 4 channel radio + receiver system I should be looking for. (or 6 channel for future expansion if the cost is close) Are most of the newcomers starting off with the new 2.4Ghz sets or shoppig for discounts on the older ones? Thanks, in advance, for any replies. Mack
Well it's hard to beat the price of a Futaba 4 channel Skysport, most can be had for as little as 129.99-139.99 Canadian and includes everything. The 2.4 ghz are good because you don't need an assigned channel, or ever worry about interference. However they are a bit more expensive and you may need to purchase extra servo's(I know the dx6 comes with some very micro servo's only good for throttle,lights etc..), rx battery etc....
Suggest a DX6i (cost ~$200.00) No Freq. problems! 6 channels! A futaba 4 channel would cost about 120-150 but you need crystals to change freqency and you would not have the programming available in the DX6i. Marty
Not to mention, it's pretty easy to "unlock" the 3 remaining channels (ever wonder why it's sold with a 7-channel receiver???). Of course, that voids the warranty... JM
Of course, for under $100 all in, you can go with a Vex Robotics programmable 6 channel radio witrh two sticks and 4 firing (or other use) buttons for $29.95 and pick up a RX to go with it. Or get the bare TX and add an Xtremelink module or Assan or similar to go 2.4gHz with it. Be sure and read the gotchas so you know what you have to work around on the NTXBG.org How To Knowledgebase. Cheers,
Thanks to everyone who took the time to post some info and advice for me regarding my first radio purchase. I talked with several people about the pros and cons of the various radios and then finally decided to go with the brand new "Spektrum DX5e". Number of Channels: 5 Band: 2.4GHz Receiver: AR500 5CH Full Range Features: Servo Reverse, Delta Mix, Dual Rates Model Memory: 1 TX Battery Type: AA Alkaline Experience Level: Beginner The "cheap" part of me tipped the scales in it's favour and honestly where else can you get a shiny new 2.4GHz radio + receiver for only $100? The final kicker was talking with RC Wings down in the valley yesterday and they already have them in stock for $109(Cdn). I'll probably pick up two of them, one for each boat as I'd have to spend about $55 for a second receiver anyways. That way once it's ready I'll have a ready-to-sail backup ship and my son Malcolm can try it out too. Thanks again for all the advice!
Mack do you have any plans to build anything bigger than a cruiser? If you do you should get a 6 channel 2.4 ghz radio with multi model memory.
Hi Chris, The 5-channels should be more than adequate. 2 channels (4 throws) for full speed and rudder control 2 channels (4 throws) can control 4 different gun mounts (fwd/aft/stbd/port). 1 channel (pump)
Yeah, LOL, but they also cost way, way more than $109 for a 2.4GHz radio + receiver. I can buy two of the 5 channel ones with two receivers for the price of a 6 channel 2.4GHz model with one receiver. And, like I listed, you can control enough cannon mounts to run a Battleship with only 4 channels, so why the heck would I ever need more than 5? (OMG, just WHEN in the future will this statement come back to haunt me, eh?)
Mack are there servors with this Spectrum? If not how many servos do you need and how much are they? You may want to add up that addtional cost on top of your Tx. It may just work out that purchasing the other radio with the servos already included might just be about the same but your getting the extra channel. Just something to think about. Either way it's your decision, your budget. Look forward to battling with and against you next year. Curt
No servos with it. I already have some Hi-Tec ones bought. BTW- I just rechecked RC Wings and they have the DX5 on sale for a straight $99.99. As the AR500 receiver alone lists for $65, there is no way I can justify NOT buying two of the radio + receiver sets at that price. I wanted a 2nd receiver anyway for HMS Dreadnaught and it's like getting the extra radio for only $35. Perfect timing.
KK, I wasn't able to get down to the velley this past week to visit RC Wings in person so I ordered the DX5e radio online. It arrived today! Yay! But I forgot to pickup a wriring harness to wire it into the battery so there will be a slight delay in testing it out with my servos. Doh! I think I'll end up using channel 5 for the pump on/off so the right-hand stick will be purely for cannons. Way overkill on my cruiser's two guns but will work nicely for the three guns on HMS Dreadnaught. Once I play around with the new radio and am satisfied how it handles I'll pick up a second one so I can run both ships without swapping anything. Field test report to follow.
Glad to hear you've gotten a radio! I like to use the switch (usually ch5 or 6) to run the pump; it seems more natural.
Yeah, the switch is channel 5 on this one and I thought it was a natural for the pump switch too. LOL! and Doh! again for that matter. The ESC I picked up to test (because I can't find the darn double throw switches I need for the moment) actually powers the receiver thru the throttle port. Once I get home and connect the ESC to the battery I'll be able to test out the receiver and servos. Yay!!!