Tried hooking up my new Radio today. First had to figure out the "switch error" issue (had to look up the "Engrish" manual online & mentally convert what I read to something understandable). Got that cleared up, but cannot get the receiver to bind. Anyone familiar w/ this radio that can step-by-step write out the process?
Ok, I had trouble with this too. Here is what worked for me. First, take the black plug with the wire looping out of it, and put it the BAT slot. Note this it not the BIND slot. HK must have messed up. Next, put in any ESC that will power your receiver. Hook the ESC to a battery and your receiver should blink a red light. (keep in mind you should be doing this with the radio off) Now, on the back of your radio there is a button labeled BIND RANGE TEST, hold this while you turn on the radio. If everything went well, the red blinking light should turn solid. At that point, you can turn off the radio and you should be good to go.
Could you let me know how you figured out the servo controls through that radio. I have not been able to get my servos working.
Does the ESC you use have a BEC (battery eliminator circuit)? If it doesn't, you'll need a separate battery pack to run the RX and servos. If your ESC does have a BEC, then you could possibly have the servo's cord in the wrong plug. Any channel after the first four can only be operated through the switches and knobs unless you mix them. In order to work servos with the knobs and switches, you'll need to go in the auxiliary channels and set which knob or switch you want for which channel. This video shows how to set of the Aux channel very nicely. Hope this helps. If it doesn't, let me know.
Yeah I have a Turnigy system too and I am having the same issue. When I get the NC done I am going to get that radio working. I may want to try that in NC for testing.
The plug goes onto whichever channel you want the ESC to run on. It doesn't matter which channel, it will still power the servos.
And another thing, if the RX still isn't getting power from the ESC, the plug could be in backwards. Some ESC plugs have guides that only allow the plug to go in correctly, but some don't. Hope this helps!