Need Scharnhorst Plans

Discussion in 'Ship Plans' started by Droidling, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. Droidling

    Droidling Member

    Sep 27, 2008
    So I found plans at BDE and Tuabmans. Both are 3 sheet plans unfortunately I don't know what that means, outside of the obvious. BDE is cheaper but says nothing about what they are. I leaning towards Taubmans. The plans are 50% more expensive but they at least say 1:144 scale RC combat plans. Recommendations?

    I'm still looking for suggestions on a good reference book or 2 that would give construction specifics.

  2. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    Well, BDE is a site devoted to rc naval combat, so why would it carry plans that help other modelers if they are not the target. BDE is a Big-gun manufacturing website, so, i think i would go with them.
  3. Gascan

    Gascan Active Member

    Jul 22, 2007
    I remember helping to sink the Alabama last year. That boat is older than I am! I think someone has built a ship from polycarb, but I don't recall who or which ship.

    Terry, Neal has plans for the Scharnhorst, and I haven't contacted Ben yet. Sparky is a WWCC member, though as far as I know he is not on this forum. He has Kotori's old Scharnhorst, which is a very nice looking hull.

    I checked some dimensions, and found something interesting. I didn't realize this before, but the Littorio/Roma class is about 1 1/2" longer and 1" wider than Scharnhorst, loses about a half a knot of speed, and goes up to 1/4" guns. The size difference is almost negligible, and the half knot speed sacrifice is well worth the 1/4" guns, in my opinion. She's also got a tall stern turret and a stepped quarterdeck that allows killer depression. I am staring at a set of plans hanging in my room right now. Even better, I know Dave began a hull last year, so he'll have rib patterns for the correct spacing and can tell you about any corrections they may need so you get a hull with very clean lines.

    You'll be hard pressed to get a fighting ship by the G&M event. I will have the transports, and can let you run one during the event. Of course, I will be looking to borrow an armed ship, since I need every maneuvering point I can get if I'm going to make Commodore by the end of the year and unarmed ships only get scored for the maneuvering portion and not the gunnery portion of the event. If someone is kind enough to lend me an armed ship, they may be willing to let you run it as well.
  4. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I have Littorio on the hard drive, if that matters in selecting a ship...
  5. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Oct 1, 2008

    How hard is it to e-mail a copy of those plans out?

  6. FirePowerDan

    FirePowerDan RIP

    Oct 7, 2008
    I have a book Axis an Neutral Battleships that has plans for Scharnhorst and Littorio and others. If you make it over to my bachelor party next Saturday I will have it.
  7. FirePowerDan

    FirePowerDan RIP

    Oct 7, 2008
    I wish I had time to finish up that British Monitor Terror I have. I feel it is an excellent G&M vessel. It has an air compressor in it as some of you know. You would not have to gas it up. Just change batteries. I intend to have it ready for the 2009 G&Ms Sorry I am no help here.
  8. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Bryan, let me see how big the file is when scaled.

    Edit: Bryan, send me a pm so I can get your email addy. The plans as scaled up are just under 4MB, and are very rough, but useable for our purposes. Beyond that, no telling how long it'll be before I get around to cleaning them up!
  9. Droidling

    Droidling Member

    Sep 27, 2008

    I'm sure it can be done. Although I was worried about finding a glue that would hold the balsa sheeting on securely. It was really more a joke anyway.

    If you think Sparky might want to sell the hull I could send him an email. If not it might be just as quick to order the plans.

    The Littorio/Roma would definitely be an option. Especially since Tugboat says he has plans. The other downside is that the Littorio didn't have torpedos from what I can tell. If I could fit the Scharnhort with Triple 7/32 guns and 6 torpedos I thougt that might be a deadly combination.

    That's why I thought that if I could buy a ship that had been running and just needed some repairs I might have a better chance. I don't know what's available, or what the chances of finding a running or nearly running ship are. I figure it can't hurt to ask.

  10. Droidling

    Droidling Member

    Sep 27, 2008

    I'd like to be included on that email as well if you don't mind. I will PM my address in a few minutes.

  11. FirePowerDan

    FirePowerDan RIP

    Oct 7, 2008
    Gas Can I built that vessel back in the 80s. I built in 3 1/2 days. Of course no guns. I wish I could remember the planking hard wood. I got it out of a dumbster.
  12. Gascan

    Gascan Active Member

    Jul 22, 2007
    Scharnhorst with triple torpedoes would be nice, if it were allowed it's full complement of torpedoes. Long before I joined, the club passed a rule that all ships over 20,000 tons get 50% of historical (rounding down) per side, max three per side. This means Scharnhorst gets only one torpedo per side, which isn't much. Rumor has it the Allies were complaining, which led to the change.

    It sounds like you are looking at two options: buy any ship that is ready to fight or can be quickly assembled to use as soon as possible, or scratch build a ship that you are interested in. The first option might get you a ship that is not your favorite, while the second might take a while to complete.

    In regards to the first option, I know that Sparky recently bought a second Iowa class ship, so he might be willing to part with the Scharnhorst. No guarantees, but I'll see what I can find out since I need to contact him anyways about tolerances for a negative-pressure canister cannon. If you want something that is simple to get ready for next year, I'd recommend Neal's Kitakami. It's already got the cannon, and it will be the simplest to finish. I am not currently aware of any combat-ready armed ship available for sale, though Dan has one of the four unarmed transports Kotori and I made.

    The second option, you have been looking at the Scharnhorst and I suggested the Roma as a step up from the Scharhorst for very little change in size. They'll both do well, though I'd give the slight edge to Roma because of the larger guns. As I mentioned before, Dave should have rib sections with legal spacing for the WWCC, which should make it a bit easier to get started.
  13. Droidling

    Droidling Member

    Sep 27, 2008

    Darn foiled again!!!
    I knew that. It was the main reason I was looking for a fast ship under 20,000 tons. When I shifted gears I forgot all about that.

    They're not options. I want to do both. Obviously if I buy your old Sharnhorst I would choose something else to build. I don't really have a favorite ship. Probably any ship that someone thought was cool enough to build will keep me happy until I get the second one completed.

    The point of buying a ship for me is to try to get in the water this year. That's why I would rather get a ship that has been in combat but but may or may not need some rework. I have talked to Dan. The transport just needs radio gear, but I don't think he is willing to sell. If I don't find one that is just the way it goes. I'll build for next year

    Dave suggested the Scharnhorst. Since you emasculated the torpedo idea the Littorio/Roma sounds better to me to. I did just get a set of plans from Tugboat, So there wouldn't be much hold up on starting the build.

    The ship that I picked originally was the Blozano. It's small enough to be fully armed at Between 11,000 and 14,000 tons. I was thinking 2 twin 3/16 rotating turrets, 8 rotating bb guns, and 3 torpedo tubes per side. Then I realize that that would be way to complex for a first ship.

  14. FirePowerDan

    FirePowerDan RIP

    Oct 7, 2008
    I sell anything if the price is right.Lets talk.
  15. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Just my 2 cents here. Love the wood. I started building wooden Combat ships for many years. I love the work that the guys do here with the wooden ships. Fantastic. I can go both ways. Prefer the Fiberglas over the wood mainly due to internal space, waterproofing and strength. Soul..plenty.. my Bismarck nearly 19 years old and my Yamato.. plenty of soul in those two. If I had the means I would definitly have a go at another wooden ship. Both got me into the hobby and the appeal of both will keep me here forever.

    If you need a reference on ROMA you can go to A.R.C.C. The ROMA build thread is there.

    Adm Stokomoto
  16. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    Yea, the Roma build is awesome, if your cant find an angle you want to see in a picture in that thread, it doesnt exist. My first boat will be fiberglass, so it doesnt matter to me, but i might do a wooden boat later on.
  17. FirePowerDan

    FirePowerDan RIP

    Oct 7, 2008
    Terry has made the decision to plunge into the unknown. This past Saturday while attending my bachlor party,he purchased Kruzer-P hull from Neal Anderson. This for those who do not know is an enlarged Pocket Battleship. Speed 34-35 knots. 26,000 ton displacement. Same armament as the original pockets and the same number of guns a Scharnhorst can have in WWCC as of right now. Good luck Terry. Glad to have met you and for coming to the party.