New Hull Proposals

Discussion in 'Construction' started by Bob Pottle, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Sounds good. Yeah were thinking of starting a RC combat format fast gun for WW1 era ships only. Most of them are short and somewhat tubby. That should make an enteresting format for combat. There are a lot to choose from.
  2. wrenow

    wrenow RIP

    Jul 30, 2007
    One thing that may (and I emphasize may) be crippling polularity the WWi era ships in small/fast gun is the unit system. In the Big Gun system, where you can arm whatever you want over 3" (including secondaries)
    Many of these "bitty boats" bristle with cannon over 3", It might be easier to arm the casemates than mains in some, not so in others. Also the relative speeds (Big Gun gives a minimum allowable of 25 knots, and speed is basically 0.1ikm/h per knot) are a bit closer. And pumping is related to displacement, not a substiturt for guns.
    One reason for thet strong may, I understand some of the WWi era ships, like VU and Espana have been pretty popular in small/fast gun from time to time.
    Of course one of the reasons for the popularity of bigger WWII ships in Big Gun is more room for stuff in side, especially for a novice builder. An Espana is a challenging build in Big Gun if you are arming the mains with turrets. I believe Jeff is currently rebuilding his with fixed mains. Of copurse, there is that whole displacement thing......
  3. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Wreno, do you still have those Erin plans? :)