Sepnt some time with Joe this weekend helping him get the Scharnhorst and Richelieu (borrowing from Phill) running. Saturday afternoon we ran over to Bellevue pond to put them through some sea-trials. Snapped some pictures on a little point and shoot digital camera to share. We're missing a few pieces of superstructure and turret covers for the Richelieu that we left off. He also picked up a liberty ship with the Scharnhorst in ready-to-run condition Full gallery is available here
Nice photos. It sure is nice to see a Richelieu class battleship on the water. Who will be running it? Mikey
A fellow who is just getting started with us named Joe. His son will be running the Scharnhorst. We're hoping to fit at least one more battle in this year to get them both in action.
the Scharnhorst missing superstructure has been repaired and added now. the Richelieu bildge pump is almost repaired, servo switch wise. took the scharnhort out on lake washington today with pete. ran great, but have to adjust the speed controler, only gave fast and slow fast, could not cruize around slow. weight distribution good, but did not have co2 bottle on board.