Oh where, oh where is my HMS Repulse?

Discussion in 'General' started by Ironbeard, Dec 11, 2020.

  1. Nibbles1

    Nibbles1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2019
    Orinda, CA
    Secondaries? On a Repulse? That is pretty ambitious depending on how many you want on there. I have a Repulse in my garage (belongs to a friend) and she is kinda small. It might be possible on an H-39 or Yamato... but if you get it to work, that would be really cool.
  2. Ironbeard

    Ironbeard Active Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    SoCal up in the San Bernardino mountains
    OH YEAH!! That's what I'm going for. Even if the Secondaries are fixed....that's a very lethal mix. On my first sortie out with my original Repulse I got stuck in the weeds and a destroyer slid alongside, tagged and sunk me. With fixed secondaries I think he would have had second thoughts about getting so close. I've got several designs that I need to prototype, but I think I may even have a way to do rotating secondaries with a limited amount of ammo. Remember the primary reason for secondaries besides anti-air, was to keep cruisers and destroyers as well as small fast torpedo boats at bay.

    Nothing is impossible, some things are more difficult than others
    . I even built a 144th scale B109 German wet deck torpedo boat that was beyond scary as well as deadly and the first time out sunk a cruiser without receiving a single dent. Believe me cramming all that gear into that little boat was a killer challenge, but boy was it fun!!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  3. Z Boat

    Z Boat Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2015
    Roseville California
    That was fun, I got both Repulse and Renown and I have the video of the sinking's.
  4. Ironbeard

    Ironbeard Active Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    SoCal up in the San Bernardino mountains
    Cool, I have a bunch of old VHS tapes that I need to get converted over to CD's that have a bunch of really cool videos of battles from back in the day.....some with battle music!!
    I'm still moving into my new place and can't wait to get my shop set up and get the saw dust flying and finally to get back onto the water busting balsa!!
  5. Z Boat

    Z Boat Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2015
    Roseville California
    Same on the videos. I would make the torpedo's reloading guns and with them in the hull it will be a bigger threat than the deck mounted BB's but both will work. We are trying a 2 second rate of fire for BB's and I think they will put some holes in some boats.
  6. Ironbeard

    Ironbeard Active Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    SoCal up in the San Bernardino mountains
    OK.....starting to gear up to order parts and building supplies, now that it's warm enough to work in the shop. Things get a little chilly at 5,600 ft. with several feet of snow on the ground. It's all just about melted and we have some very nice 70 degree days...YEAH!! So whose the best ONLINE source for balsa and aircraft grade plywood?