On your own time...Independent.... FIRE!

Discussion in 'Independents' started by bugler, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. bugler

    bugler Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    Pacific Ocean.....
    Hey there,
    I saw three members who are relatively inactive from my city on the member list ... I live on a remote Island.... about the size of England....well 2/3 the size of England..... with about the same climate, and a few crazy people who run around pretending to be English.... I know.....
    Anyway.. I am new to the hobby.. have no ship other than my ship dreams, and even those dreams are not so great.... I am a certified handyman too, I have at least two or three partly used rolls of different coloured duct tape. The reason I have different colours of duct tape is simple... My toaster is a different colour from the coffee maker... and the black is used to fix the TV because it is black.... I know that probably most of you are pretty impressed by my extremely sophisticated handy man skills... Did I mention I was single? Yes, well there was this time my Ex-wife asked me to fix.... nevermind... I can't talk about it... ongoing legal action...
    So, as the president of my town's R/C Combat club... we had a vote and I won... none of us, I mean I can't decide what format to go for. It probably doesn't really matter too much as the only battle I will fight is tossing rocks at my own ship.
    I am planning to build a QE, probably Warspite model out of wood scraps and duct tape.;) Looking at some rule set I think Treaty, one can split ship points for arms and pumps into half units... I thought about maybe arming all the main turrets with half units...1/2 each for 2 main guns on 4 turrets... making 4 units of guns... and one unit of pump....for 5 total ship points.. or whatever you call them....
    The rules seem confusing to a new guy like me... it says only so many guns may be used in any quadrant.... I don't get that... Why can't I fire all four turrets anywhere in their covered arc? Just wondering... I really don't have a clue as you can tell....
    I think my fun will be in building the boat to completion and maybe sailing it around the local hobby pond.... with all the nice sailboat racers etc... I am sure they won't stand a chance against my aim with rocks and such... Once I figure out how to manufacature a duct tape cannon....
    OK... I need some help.... I admit it.. I am on step 1 of the 12 step program...
    My name is JOE.... and I am probably going to be a crazy ship modeler ....
  2. DarrenScott

    DarrenScott -->> C T D <<--

    Dec 7, 2006
    Joe, go big gun, then you can arm everything AND have a pump....
  3. jadfer

    jadfer Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Houston, TX
    Is somebody selling big gun cannons now?
  4. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Joe, I love your sense of humor. :D

    A quadrant is an area from the bow, sides, or stern of a ship. The bow and stern quadrants are usually 15 degrees on both directions from the centerline of the ship. The side quadrants is everything in between the bow and stern quadrants.

    When Treaty or Fast Gun talks about cannons in a quadrant, they are referring to the number of cannons that are allowed to point into a quadrant. For instance, a 4 unit ship is allowed to have one cannon pointing in each of the side quadrants with the remaining cannon(s) in the bow or stern quadrant.

    But like Darren mentioned, Big Gun allows anything anywhere as long as it is in a turret. Heh. And since your club hinges on every word you say, there is no reason to limit yourself to big gun, Treaty, fast gun, etc unless you plan on someday participating in one of those formats. You could use bb cannons to arm every turret in your ship if you like. :)
    By the way, I am a fan of the Treaty rule for splitting a 1 unit into two half units. Not only does it eliminate a cannon, but opens up different cannon and unit configurations that are not feasible in Fast Gun formats.
  5. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    If you build to IRCWCC specs, then you'll be using what most of the Canadian battlers are using, not a bad thing even if you are lord and emperor of your local club :)

    (And I am not ignoring your pm, I've been crazy busy with secret projects. I'll answer soon!)
  6. Astrosaint

    Astrosaint Active Member

    Sep 23, 2012
    Astatula, Florida, USA
  7. bugler

    bugler Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    Pacific Ocean.....

    Been a bit of a slow couple of weeks for me working odd shifts etc. I still haven't received any plans for my Warspite, and I imagine I will be waiting for a while.

    I have never attempted to build such a model before.

    Yeah...RichelieuBB I definitely can pretty much design almost anything... even rockets... or just use a shot gun.... nah... just kidding. I guess if I want to be complete I would probably arm the main turrets. I could maybe try setting up some sort of sidemount set up for the casement guns along the side? I was thinking 1/4" BB's seem a bit crazy... but .177 is probably doable. I think they do sell .22 Cal BB too so that might be possible for the main battery?

    As far as battle goes.. I may have to carve a few Styrofoam target transports to toss in the water and hammer with salvos? I don't know exactly yet what I may do.

    I will look into the various club rules and see what I may want to do.

    I think I read somewhere that people were patching with Duct Tape? I am not sure of that.

    Anyway.. I am enjoying this forum for sure. I guess I will start a build thread for everyone's entertainment. Hopefully you don't mind swearing...etc.

    Talk soon
  8. Astrosaint

    Astrosaint Active Member

    Sep 23, 2012
    Astatula, Florida, USA
    Greetings Joe:
    I was thinking of using cardboard and Duct tape for building targets. I was also thinking of a generic IJN warship for the target. I plan to attach the string on the target to recover the wreckage for trash disposal. This keeps the lake clean.
    How big are the targets going to be ?
    Warsprite is a good choice. Are you staying with 1:144 or something different ?
  9. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    blue painters tape works ok for a temporary patch, if its a warm enough day to dry the hull first. Some have experimented with using off-brand duct-tape as a cheap and easy method of skinning a ship in place of balsa. Personally I think it looks like sh*t, but that is my opinion and I have no expectation of others sharing it. (To be fair, I think a lot of things look like sh*t, including the current state of my own ships)

    If you make a styrofoam target, make sure to wrap it up in something (like duct tape) that will hold it together. Styrofoam has a delightful tendency to make a mess when shot, and we don't want to contribute to the detritus of the world's waters.

    as for arming of things.. I would suggest, as this is your first go, focus on just the main armament first, and worry about the secondaries down the road. You may find that your hands are full just getting the mains in and working.
  10. Reckless

    Reckless Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
    Ladysmith BC
    Hey!!!! I'm on your same Rock floating out in the pacific! :D I've even been known to make the odd appearance at the Vic boat pond (though it's been awhile)

    looking to get back into rc boats and jump into rc warships at the same time :D i'm building on the IRC fastgun rules via Washington Cascade